
It seems to me that the only "appropriate"—if such a word even makes sense in this context—-response is a deep sadness: that such dark, terrible people exist and that others fall prey to them. Anything else strikes me as indecent and presumptuous, although, of course, entirely human.

It's never too late. The fact that no one complained in the past is irrelevant in terms of what to do now. It's not about white or black, but about this foolish war on drugs and an increasingly policed society which arose as a direct consequence of this and was accelerated post 9/11. Yes, black communities have been

No, I get it. The pile on does seem excessive and, more importantly, poorly executed and egregiously so. There is a general lack of nuance and it's all very ham-fisted. I just hope that it extends to how people think about musical acts and their impacts in general b/c while Miley's appropriation is the most egregious

You don't have to "put up" with Miley. You choose to read articles about her. And I never said you didn't have the right to criticize (you know the gif actually says keep hatin'), but I just think your criticism shows that you are out-of-touch with today's 20 year olds.

I am that black person, and it is annoying as hell. I don't really give a shit about all this "cultural appropriation," and I honestly understand why a bunch of white people feel the need to be offended for me.