
I *think* that’s where I got mine. (Though I’m not entirely sure.) And it was in mint condition. I definitely did not get it in the place mentioned in the article.

Funny, I thought he was absolutely awful. Like an annoying 12 year old.

I went in expecting to love it and was quite disappointed. A number of things struck me:

Borderlands is co-op and has levels. And co-op is not the game’s weak point.

I’m enjoying it quite a bit, so no, it IS NOT boring and grinding.

Agreed that to complain about this young lady’s lovely hair is absurd. Not sure what is “humiliating” about it. That people are obnoxious jerks to you doesn’t mean you are “humiliated” unless you allow them to make you feel that way.

You’re not seriously suggesting that Hillary Clinton can’t eat a piece of cheesecake, because she is a victim of sexism, are you?

Until you manage to get rid of all the religious people in the world, whose religions frown on LGB relationships, this may just be about the best you’re going to get. (In short, for quite a long time if not, forever.) You can tut-tut it in your little echo chamber, lash out, attack the person, etc., but it won’t

Okay, so you agree that an accusation alone is not sufficient. There has to be some process to demonstrate that the accusation is true.

So, do you think accusations should be sufficient to convict people? Or do you think there should be charges and indictments and trials?

And Luke has neither been charged with nor convicted of it.

Should people be released from the contracts they make on the basis of an accusation alone?

It’s very typical of Gawker media and esp. Jezebel. Manufactured hipster outrage 24/7, which in truth is little more than exercises in signalling to the like minded.

If we remove from the canon every work of art produced by a despicable person, there won’t be much left.

What reason would there ever be to eat in these sorts of chain restaurants?

Hear, hear! The whole notion of uber-gazillionaire pop-star Beyonce as some kind of civil rights activist is only believable to the ultra-gullible set.

Is Ms. Davisd seriously suggesting that people should just be able to renege on contracts, on the basis of an accusation?

Isn’t the funnier part the fact that Beyonce is trying to pose as some kind of activist?

I’m sure she’ll cope somehow.

Right. But presumably, a person who behaves like that doesn’t care what you think of him, no? So, it’s just flailing.