“I’m not going to engage seriously with anyone.”
“I’m not going to engage seriously with anyone.”
Tracey Moore wrote:
Sad game, if she’s one of the best.
Thank you so much. Sometimes, it’s like being on an alien planet.
“Artist.” Lol.
A list that includes “Squirrel Girl” and “Maria Hill” but not Wonder Man is either weird or ignorant.
Um, this view of Superman is hardly unprecedented. Neither is the idea of a Batman/Superman dustup. Both are featured in Frank Miller’s original Dark Knight, one of the most important installments in the DC universe and in comics/graphic novels more generally. Hardly “stupid ass.”
If you think this is the “hardest raid yet,” you didn’t play Sunwell, back in the day.
Technology and conditioning completely ruined tennis, something John McEnroe predicted, when graphite racquest came into the sport.
Do you think that in social science, generally, we conclude from “x percent said y occurred” that y occurred in those cases?
A poll in which 20% of respondants said that x happened shows that x happened in 1 in 5 cases?
Given that Burning Man is now overrun with cops and Feds, why would anyone in their right mind go there?
A very important article in the NYT about this. It is clear that we have not thought this through, at all.
I’m a little suprised by this, because I was under the impression that Barnard, Smith, and other women’s colleges were designed to be single *sex* schools, not single *gender* schools.
People that age fought and won the Second World War.
How was anyone harmed by her essay? Could you be specific?
Pretty low expectations. Is this some sort of joke?
Do 18 year olds have enough “prefrontal cortext formed” to understand the ethical implications of war? Because that was the age of many of the people who fought and won WWII.
Just bought Dex last week on Steam and I am really enjoying it. Sidescrollers are not my favorite kind of game, but the setting, art style, and vibe are just terrific.
I thought HR was absolutely fantastic. Why didn’t you like it?