Yes, I gather that was the reason. But presumably, he failed to grab it, because Wilson shot him with it.
Yes, I gather that was the reason. But presumably, he failed to grab it, because Wilson shot him with it.
What I don't understand is how a Grand Jury could have found the use of deadly force justifiable.
Their asses are boring too. I could find twenty girls on my college campus with better rear ends than these two in about 15 minutes.
Re: the title of the article.
Has it been established that she was raped? Or are allegations sufficient now to establish that?
Only if it's been established that he actually did it. Has that been established? If not, it's not "victim blaming."
And what is your view of such pieces? Are you in favor of them as providing good practical advice?
How would you respond to an article, instructing men how to assault women in their most sensitive spots?
Do you really think that someone has to be part of some ridiculous MRA movement to find this objectionable?
Looking forward to the article about how to assault women in vulnerable parts of the body.
If you notice, I described a list of elements, not just one.
With regard to Kesha, Dr. Luke and Max Martin did a good share of the writing. (Always hard to tell how much)
There's plenty of excellent contemporary music. Unfortunately, it belongs primarily to niche categories and indie productions. It certainly ain't in Pop.
Really? Wu-Tang Clan is Pop? NWA is Pop? Public Enemy is Pop?
Apparently, you don't know the meaning of the word "Pop." Google is your friend.
I didn't say it wasn't her choice or right. I said it makes her *not* a Feminist, by any common understanding of the word.
The good rappers don't make it this way. They make it on the basis of (a) great lyrics; (b) innovative and catchy beats; (c) great delivery; (d) masterful sampling.
1. You don't get to redefine words according to your own idiosyncratic meanings. The bands I have mentioned are *all* Pop bands by any accepted, common definition of the word.
The meanings of words are determined by their conventional use, among the speaking community. They are not determined by whatever you want them to mean. You're not a feminist simply because you call yourself one. You're a Feminist if you espouse and live out the ideas, advanced by the Feminist movement.
Why do people feel entitled to tell people what they can and can't say? Worse, why do they feel entitled to tell them what they can't and can't have an opinion about?