
Anyone who has seen the South Park episode on the Jonas Brothers and Disney has known this story for a long time. Not to mention the worst of it, which is the creepy way in which the company uses the sex appeal of its young stars to attract little kids to its products, all the while covering for it with treacly,

Fair enough. And I should add that I agree that the "ugly girls" remark was gratuitous and nasty.

Sorry, but this reads like you just took a theory class and have the need to apply it everywhere you can. It's some ridiculous elf in a cartoon game. No one is being "objectified" or "otherized" by it.

What is equally interesting is why Jezebel thinks *it* gets to decide if Lilly Allen's video has a race problem. Slightly lower in the order of interest is why Jezebel thinks anyone cares whether it deems the video "racist" or not.

I am struck by the absolutely gorgeous and original art style of many of these. It is heartening to see such talent on display. Maker's Eden is particularly beautiful.

Lol. That's all one can do, when people decide to deconstruct Miley Cyrus.

Good thing we have you to do it for them, right?

Not black enough for you, eh?

No, actually the people who don't get it are the people who think that anyone is interested in the constant screams of "racism!" every five seconds.

Hm. Not knowing much about programming, I didn't know this. Fallout 3 and New Vegas seem enormous, but now that you mention it, the sheer density of a city full of non-destroyed buildings makes what you've said make perfect sense.

Is this really true? A lot more of the interiors are explorable in games like Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Great. I meant this to be the beginning of a conversation, not the end of one, by any means.

To be fair, you are in the minority of the complainants, most of whom are bitching that her performance and "appropriation" are racist.

There's a lot of moral posturing too. The internet allows everyone to be a moral saint, with no effort whatsoever.

How about go away phony "I'm outraged by Miley twerking" people. We're so bored with you. Come back when you have something original.

Triple times this. These phony "outrages" are so pathetic, I can't believe people are continuing to engage in them.

Great! Here are a few bullets to start.

Kurosawa's "Dreams" was fantastic. And Hitchcock's "Frenzy" is criminally underrated.

This seems to be the new way of simply ignoring arguments that are contrary to yours. Call people "trolls."

I'm happy to discuss why Kubrick is such a great filmmaker, if people are interested.