
Really? People accused Bo Derek of being a racist? People accused Madonna of being a racist? In the vicious way that they are currently accusing Miley Cyrus?

Of course Vanilla Ice was/is a joke. But the knock on him was for being such a pitiful appropriator. I don't recall a lot of "racism!" charges being thrown at him and certainly not with the venom being directed at this clueless performer.

My concern is about what strikes me as faux concern, but whatever. The whole topic isn't really worth this much ink. We are talking about the most superficial level of pop culture, after all.

I don't recall this level of "Racist!" charges being thrown at the people I've listed...or any of the others.

The refuge of the person with no argument. Call the critic a "troll."

"can we talk about the problematic and racist nature of her performance?"

I'm still trying to figure out why anyone gives a damn about this. With respect to the sexiness of it, Cyrus is hardly the first or the worst. And with respect to the "appropriation of black tropes" complaint, that's old news too. Every hear of Vanilla Ice?

You are obviously an unhinged psycho. Why bother talking?

Of course Picard got laid. By that trickster-thief-archaelogist chick he had a few episodes with. Vash, was her name, I think.

I have to agree with Raso.

Yeah, fair enough on "V". That was a love it or hate it thing. I thought it stood well on its own, as a movie, despite all the ways in which it diverged from the novel.

This list strikes me as depressingly conventional and "safe". Some movies that certainly should have made the list: