Aravind Pisapati

finally, people will stop asking why i text them about ducks all the time

As a mathematician. Yes. To your last point, unneeded or wasted food: at the movie theater, I always get the eye-rolls from the wannabe cost-calculating machines behind the counter when I deny the larger size. Beyond 16 or 20 oz of soda, I don't care if it's 1 cent for 2 more gallons, it's a waste of money. On your

Yeah, it's pretty safe to say you completely missed the point here. And didn't read what I said about that very fact in the article. It's okay, it's an understandable knee-jerk reaction.

Just because you buy it all at once doesn't mean you have to eat it all at once.

horse racing at work, take THAT sophos!

What? You could have milked this into 20 separate posts, and made your VCAPP ratio much greater than it currently is! A few of these are teetering on shaky ground, still... but I hope you'll keep things going in the right direction.

Yoda was a zen master

It's better to crack your finger, than to finger your....

Do you know old MacGregor's story?

On the plus side you are five minutes into your next 20 years of reputation building already!

I'll be brief due to lack of time but ....

where do you take it?

Too bad not every Android has a microSD card slot :)

People will always complain.

Most popular? How about most common?

I will definitely be using this tonight so my 11 month old can draw in the Paper app without swiping out of it! Thanks lifehacker!

What's WP8?

But... but... filters make my pictures of empty park benches art!

Oh god. I was in Kruger National Park, during the day, and this guy had a fixed 300mm f3.5 lens on Canon DSLR (not sure which body, but by the general size and heft, I could tell it was expense). The entire setup had to be upwards of 4000USD. And he was sitting there during the day using the pop-up flash and bounce

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