Someone please tell me about an alternative for this in Cydia
Someone please tell me about an alternative for this in Cydia
In the first video the 1080p footage seems better than the 4k-to-1080 in almost every shot. Better contrast and sharpness. Did the people who made this accidentally switch the labels?
Trilingual reporting in; great childhood, great college; found a job as well. Teach your kids all the languages you want
Anyone here follow Chef John on youtube? His recipes are the best, and the occasional joke doesn’t hurt. Really worth checking out, especially if you’re not all that sophisticated in the kitchen
I keep a 6x6x6 neocube next to me at all times. That thing is pretty awesome to just sit down and mess with for as long as I want. Pretty much replaced the need to do something on the smartphone instead
Please make more posts with bulletin points. Your great summaries are why I read the blog.
I might sound ignorant here, but if Sophos is only a software on your computer, instead of a server-side block on access, you can disable Sophos by opening msconfig.exe, and deselecting Sophos from the startup tab...
Again, I'm assuming you have already tried all this, so apologies if I sound condescending :)
As an aspiring photographer, I know exactly how important it is to block out the useless opinions of those who you know won't contribute positively.. Lots of times, an extremely awkward posture is required to shoot a photo, and in public quite a few pedestrians stare weirdly at you. This is where you have to make a…
I opened the link just to see a bigger version of the photo. It's amazing!
Exactly my thoughts... 7 million don't kill themselves..
When your friend doesn't return money, go to his place, whip out a handgun, and slowly ask him...
Couldn't agree. more. There are more Scumbag Steve-s among us than we would like to believe...
I guess only the GIF is new... I saw this cool way of proving Pythagorus Theorem in the National Science Centre in Ahmedabad, India about 7 years ago...