
Just wait 'til you see my shovel made out of lettuce, with a baguette handle.

So… isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle? Maybe with some of the scents they add to hand sanitizer so that it is considered something different than isopropyl alcohol? (I think they also add stuff to make it easier on your skin.)

It's at least 24 books, not up to 24, according to their site. If they publish more, you get more. #corrections

If I worked in that nursing home, I would start wearing little adhesive devil horns at the corners of my forehead, but otherwise go about my business completely normally.

If you click above where it says "put up on Pastebin" you will see it all as a single plain text document. I scanned through it, but there wasn't anything very interesting, at least to an American.

I don't think Google's two-factor password is a pain in the ass. It generates long, randomized application-specific passwords for programs you use to log in to your Google account, like for the email app on your phone or computer, the instant messaging app, etc.

These are emails from her Alaskan government email account. The laws that allow official correspondence to be released are intended to keep the public informed about how the operations of their government are conducted — the government operations that people in Alaska are collectively paying for.

I was going to start selling statues of Jesus made from glued-together iPod touches that are set to simultaneously play looped recordings of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, while displaying Chick tracts on their screens.

Maybe that's the side effect of going for the "buffed with a floor waxer" shiny look.

I think that often when public figures embarrass themselves like this, "seeking treatment" is more a gesture of contrition than a sincere belief in or attempt at a medical remedy. Weiner is showing penance, hoping to salvage some respect from his constituents and colleagues, and maybe his family.

"Color" and "colour" don't have different pronunciations. "Mum" sounds mawkish to the American ear. It's a different morpheme, not just a different spelling.

I remember reading that one of the pieces of information being discussed as part of the background check (in the proposed American version) is a person's credit history. Does that strike anyone else as highly inappropriate discrimination?

I believe the restaurant dates to the time that Jobs was in exile, but you're right. He should have changed the name when he came back. It's also just kind of a dumb name, but probably virtually everyone there just refers to it as "the cafeteria".

Google Music says it's in beta and "available free for a limited time," so no one knows what it will cost or how long it will stay in beta. It will certainly be very competitive in its pricing, I'm guessing somewhat undercutting Amazon. I believe it's Android-only.

That occurred to me, too. But we don't know if the daughter was born prematurely. It is possible that he had timed it so that he'd be back in time for when they expected the baby. If he'd made it to the peak, he could have made it down in a day or two, weather permitting, and been home easily inside of a week from the

Here are a couple of images of the main rotors being taken away in a Pakistani military truck:

He's still prominently featured in the technology section of the Times' website, with the most recent headline "Ins and Outs of Using Gadgetry". I'm sure he's just schooled himself on a new one, but is it an in or an out?