
I read that several of them have high-level jobs within the Kansas correctional system. (I believe that the head lawyer for the Kansas correctional system is a Phelps.) These would be, by the way, career civil service positions that are very difficult to be fired from, not political appointments or anything.

Until this I wasn't 100% sure, but now I can safely diagnose Jeff Bridges with advanced Kris Kristofferson Syndrome.

I don't see what they might have done to differentiate this game from other MMOs… from what little I can tell it looks like a typical MMO with Elder Scrolls flavoring.

This "Mass Effect Week" is one great big advertorial, right?

How much is Bioware paying Gawker for "Mass Effect Week," again?

(1.) Well, first: we had this big legal incident a while back, so now the pap smear is standard prisoner intake policy…

I think they mean they will be able to market the game to people with lower spec machines, which can be a lot more potential customers if it includes those without discrete GPUs. Their development machines could probably handle a lot :-)

Actually, inXile mentioned in their update that it's more expensive to do 2D backgrounds like this, and they had to work out how it would fit in the budget.

Hmm. Exactly one black guy in the entire gallery. Representative of attendance at GDC, or of people who feel nostalgia for the 1980s?

Presumably, if the restrictions arrive along with the game (as opposed to signing an NDA beforehand), their enforcement mechanism is just the threat of not giving you early access again in the future. Right?

So they've gone from "hackers" to the more innocuous "coders," eh? I see what you did there.

Credulity, meet optimism. You will feed each other well in this world of "video game journalism."

From what I understand, the people involved in preproduction, composition, etc. are not necessarily all the same people involved in later phases of production, or, finally, in quality assurance leading up to release. If the goal is to keep everyone working on something, (i.e., to remain employed at the company), you

So, nothing about how all consumer electronics are manufactured by the same people in the same way? And by the same people, I mean that Foxconn, in particular, also manufactures products under the brand names of Dell, Samsung, HP, Intel, Amazon, Sony, Toshiba, Motorola, Microsoft, et cetera.

But isn't it the point of Facebook to cultivate an army of sycophants?

Speaking only for myself, it was the prominent display of Commander Keen as an example of past glories that seriously upped the "Huh?" factor. Initially there was no information on the Kickstarter about this game, Shaker (not even the title was there).

In addition to the availability of public defenders, all people convicted of reprehensible crimes should be assigned a PR flack to write press releases for the rest of their working lives. Not just famous athletes.