
It isn’t that simple. In the service, there is a chain of command and you show respect to those who are senior in rank to you. If the subordinate airmen, of any race or gender, are disrespectful to senior airmen, there is a leadership and/or discipline issue. All we know is what is in the video, so far, so we don’t

I don’t know that this racist per se, she seems to have an issue with specific black subordinates (since she claimed she outranked them). However, this sounds like a leadership problem to me. Either this Tech Sergeant lacks the leadership to lead these black female airmen, or her chain of command does not back her

Gun control is a thing. Look at the success it has had in Chicago, DC and other left wing cities. Yes, I know, they get their guns elsewhere, yet somehow, to the gun grabber, this doesn’t constitute a failure.

Yeah, that is why gun owners have to do the same and appeal to store management. So sorry about your feelings, nothing should ever make you have to feel uncomfortable.

Wow, spocko, that is a lot of good work there. You have got your talking points down. If only you had some truth in them. Law abiding citizens with concealed carry permits have a better track record than the police when it comes to mistaken shootings and safety. You might know that if you did actual research on the