Arashi Miyazawa

And the District of Columbia.

"Wotta revoltin' development!"

I think Marvel's go-to excuse any time they screw over She-Hulk is that she "dilutes the Hulk brand", whatever the hell that means.

That's when I stopped collecting as well. The issue of Civil War where the teased return of Thor ends up being a stupid murder-clone instead killed any and all good-will I had left for the company. I've grabbed the odd Thor trades here and there when I hear good things about them, but haven't bothered buying any

Don't you just love it when two characters have the Bendis conversation?

Possies. He likes rounding up varmints with kids in cowboy costumes.

Factfindingmission the Elder has spoken.

*shines the biting cat pin on her jacket* No school like the old school!

No more tabby pot pie for me before bedtime!

It's going to be a catastrophe.

Futures are built on hope.


The near-indecipherable language of throwing balls around a yard.

It must be pretty boring to have a life where you can only talk about important things, like the size of the stick shoved up your ass.

They weren't AT-ATs is your problem. They were AT-ACTs, which are cargo haulers and not armored for combat. You can see the giant open cargo hold in their sides on them in several shots, including one where it collapses because of the open cargo hold.…

The Empire doesn't rule the galaxy. That's the entire freaking point. They rule about half the galaxy at most. The Rebellion bases itself out of THE OTHER HALF. Jesus Christ, it's like talking to a brick wall.

Yeah…you're either being intentionally dense here or aren't going to understand no matter what I say, so I'm just going to leave it at this:

We actually have complete maps of those mountains, though. For that matter, we actually know where those mountains are in the first place. Or even more broadly, we are aware that those mountains exist at all. We can find things in those mountains by being able to use known data to limit unknown possibilities.

I'd be fine with the Y's being left out, seeing as how they're already essentially flying junk even in the Rebellion era. Definitely want to see all the others though, or even something new!

We're also talking about the same organization that somehow built an entire moon-sized spaceship complete with a planet-killing laser, and somehow kept it so secret that nobody believes it really exists until it finally shows up and glasses a city. I think it's unfair to immediately label them incompetent. I