One could even say it was Taylor Made for such a thing!
One could even say it was Taylor Made for such a thing!
That's not a case of new media. Bing tried to challenge a near-institutionalized competitor that also had a twenty year head start on it. That's just dumb business in general.
It was a murder but not a crime!
Bad spray tan. Same thing, really.
Gotta fill space with somethin'.
According to the original scriptwriters, Roddenberry was re-writing the scripts in the first place without telling them. He created such a hostile work environment that two dozen staff writers quit over the first three seasons. He was so unpleasant to work with that D.C. Fontana started recording her conversations…
Yer a wizard, Elijah.
Hermione was a witch, not a wizard!!
Jared Leto isn't weird, he just desperately wants you to think he is. Shia is just plain desperate.
I don't know if current editions still do, but The DaVinci Code literally has an author's note in it saying that only the modern events and characters are fictional, and everything else is the true secret history that has been hidden by evil power-mad Christians. It spawned an avalanche of cash-in 'history' books in…
I believe you mean "Renowned Disqus Commentologist, hannahk2012"
It's not wrong.
Nobody said it's not a real word. They said "Professor of Symbology" is not a real profession.
This poor reputation is encountered in any book ever written by anyone ever associated with Star Trek. Roddenberry despised Wrath of Khan and had essentially zero input on it or any of the subsequent movies.
Kick him in the nards!
Starships are neat.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am. Your son grew up to be the Geico Caveman."
Hey, the sign said long-haired hippie people need not apply.
But what's the price?