
As a product designer I’d love to hear of a situation where an end user deserves contempt because I’ve never seen one. No matter how frustrated I may be I’m designing for the end user, they owe me nothing and are under no obligation to use the product as I think they should.

I don’t even want to know how long that pic would take to download.

Is neutral coasting a thing outside of hypermiling communities? My dad didn’t buy a 520hp V8 to save on gas.

Wait, there are cars that don’t come with parking brakes now? I can’t say I use mine that much (I know there are people who use them all the time, even on flat surfaces), but they are essential on inclines.

He’s never put it into neutral because why would you?

If something is inherently difficult or dangerous to use it can be legally defective, regardless of whether or not it ultimately works.

One is the “from another country” bit, which is at least partially related to me not knowing where you’re from.

Assuming we’re abstracting this to doll levels of archetypal stereotype, what would you have put in the box?

I know it’s hard but if everyone could delay the guns/terrorist slap fights until we get the victims taken care of it would be good.

Oh, she’ll be interviewed. After all, she’s an expert on toxic culture, having spread it wherever she went.

As with Prince and David Bowie its almost hard to believe he was a human at all. Just transcendent in every sense of the word, one of the most well written characters in the drama of life

There isn’t one single athlete in the history of the world as revered as this man was.

Punishment doesn’t help. It only creates violent adults who do unto others what was done unto them.

The “news” section was one of the most hilarious parts of the show, and it was a damn shame that BBC America[*] generally cut it to get the show short enough for US commercials. Which is why I was happy when it appeared uncut on Hulu (and, to be honest, the reason why I started subscribing to Hulu).

“Assembly language” isn’t a language. You’re writing directly for whatever instruction set your processor happens to use.

And here’s the type of computer that went with it.

I’m old, and I can’t remember ever seeing an 8", though I do have vague memories of that mid size 5 1/4"

Fun Fact: Kids who were born in 2000 are now old enough to get driver’s licenses!

As Jeremy Clarkson said, many people in India just didn’t seem concerned with safety. If it was their time to die, they would die, and no amount of safe cars or safe driving would stop that.

For me, the Renault’s coup de grace is the fuel door popping open. I can’t stop looking at it.