
I have that same pool. It’s by Intex, it’s cheap, it’s easy to patch and sets up in 45 minutes (but it’s strong enough to hold momma bear. Fuck that dad. Materialistic joy killer.

As if this story didn’t bring tears to my eyes already. The poor mothers of their murdered children, how can they ever find peace?

I only have 16 rooms, one of which is my library. Since my house has 3 floors I find it easier to just keep a few bottles on each floor. The wine I keep in the kitchen. It’s easier to get to when I come home that way.

The dress at 1:26 is MINE, just as soon as I get a second mortgage to pay for it.

People suck.

Mental illness can so often be more than devastating.

I’ve been saying Hillary should pick Joe for ages now. He knows his shit, is funny and has entertainment value, he’s very personable and well liked. She needs someone on her ticket that people don’t dislike.

Fuck that. It’s not like those people aren’t millionaires already. And I’m sure they’re not out there fighting for the unknows, many of which have way more talent than they do.

Ahh, balone.

The graveyard freaked me out. I couldn’t beleive I was surrounded by graves just getting up to the front door. I can’t imagine growing up with that as the view from your bedroom window, especially in times when people kicked off so frequently from the slightest things.

Now I want bread.

What a bunch of fucking wussy kids. Mine would have started to feed it or pet it.

Trump doesn’t mate for life either.

Take the ferry from Long Wharf in Boston (next to the Aquarium) over to P-Town. It’s the quickest way to the Cape from Boston and it’s an amazing ride. You’ll probably see whales and they even have a bar. If you only have a day take a taxi to High Head Rd (the end of the Head of the Meadow Bike Path) just follow the

Ignorance of knowing not knowing the law is is not an excuse, ignorance of knowing where or what circumstances you are in is.

No they die when the muscle that holds their shell closed is cut when it is shucked, same as clams.

Haven’t you ever taken the scenic route to got somewhere?

If I get a dog that big and wide it would make me look thinner right?


Or about 5 months if he had been white and on a swim team.