
Ahh, no.

The closest person in the world to me, my aunt and godmother, was murdered by her husband, my uncle and godfather. I’m not a good enough person to forgive him. But any desire to see him killed by the death penalty, would be coming from a black place of hatred in me, making me no better than him. She was so wonderful,

Thanks for the info. At least they have one redeeming quality (the Spanish, not the missionary trips).

I had neighbors who had a pet goat named BeeBeeQ. And on Labor Day he was.

I couldn’t bear to watch it, but hearing about what happened when Duggars move to Central America, get surrounded by dark people, Catholicism, Santeria, and Spanish speakers would actually be pretty entertaining.

Damn, and I thought my “No diving, Shallow bathtub” cross stitch was clever.

Where do I sign up?

“Anyone who has two stock options should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has capital gain deductions should do the same.”

Elizabeth Warren is who I want to be when I grow up.

He could know his politics. My son is 13 and I successfully brainwashed him into a pinko commie SJW just like his mom at a very early age.

These gals need to hook up with Anne Taintor.

How I wish I could unsee that.

The only thing you should pay to get a dog is the adoption fee.

It has happened to me at a few court houses. Less often now though than in the past.

Oy vay.

Oy vay.

Bullshit. My ex-husband is the #1 source of my stress and weight gain.

The bill would have made allowances for rape, incest

You do realize that she would be put on trial in JUVENILE court because she was underage at the time she worked in the telegraph office. Whatever retribution you’re looking for you are not going to find it from a Juvenile Court sentence. The most that will be accomplished is a lot of people patting themselves on the

I really tried to be a good person, like she says she is, and give her the benefit of the doubt and watch her video. But I had just had lunch and could only make it 1:14 mins through. Lord have mercy on my stomach me.