Apparently he snuck alcohol onboard in a coke bottle, as one does on any flight to Florida.
Apparently he snuck alcohol onboard in a coke bottle, as one does on any flight to Florida.
My bf has it. It can be.
The more you know. Never would have ever even guessed.
Dem’s good eatin’. Woulda been a shame to waste that in mummies.
I’m not going to read this article because I don’t have cable and I can’t watch it until tomorrow on Hulu, and I’m already crying too much to deal with it ending, much less spoilers. Emily/Amanda and my OrpahnBlack sesters have been what has keep me going, sane and strong as my ex spent over a million dollars trying…
At least this time he was on the right end of the gun.
My state does have a waiting mperiod to get married after getting the liscence and it really fucked me over, giving my bf time to get sober. I haven’t given up yet though.
At least you don’t need tp cry alone. You have me all weepy now.
If only I had this problem. By age 2 my son was calling servers over asking for “more thrimp cattail”, by age 3, he had to order his own steak to his preference, “medium rare”, and by age 5, he would order the “king cut” if prime rib was on the menu. That kid has cost me more money, I don’t think he’s ordered off the…
It’s Texas.
Not always. I’m a devote Catholic and I’ve been living the life of Job for the last several years. It’s not God’s fault. Shit happens. There’s a reason the first story about people in the bible has to do with free will, making your own decisions and accepting the consequences of your actions. I know’ve a lot more…
Watch it here, that’s what I do -…
Yes. But if it went off the air then I’d feel really fucking old.
They should be worried.
That cracked me up.
Go for it. It’s awesome. I made myself some and they also come in handy for last minute Halloween or other occasion costumes.
This was fucking brilliant! Thanks Bobby!