
TERRIBLE. And HOW many things are being advertised in this video??? This clearly isn't just an AT&T ad, I lost count of all the social media/online shopping/fitness clubs/etc. etc. etc. were popping up. So douchey, all so douchey.

"Read that while looking at this picture of him. Just do it. It will be your most sexually confusing moment of the day."

Third for me! Big article in this month's Harper's Magazine too.

I read this as a '90s-ism: "As IF!" I haven't heard anybody use that phrase in a long time, and that girl seems way too young to be using it!

Excellent advice!

Okay, thanks, I think I'm finally starting to wrap my brain around it. So, "employer-based plan" means the plan that the employer chooses for all its emoloyees — not the individual plan tied to the individual employee (? I'm breaking my brain here). I'm starting a new teaching job in the fall, and I had just gotten my

By a NEW plan, you mean a new plan paid for by an employer? Sorry, the jargon was too much for me to handle, I had a hard time interpreting it!

I've lost three hubcaps over the past couple of months, and I never seem to notice until I walk out to the car from the house in the morning. My partner and I joke that it's the local raccoons stealing them to sell at the flea market.

Good on ya, Christian Bale! Those photos warmed my heart.

Oh my god, I'd completely forgotten how people talked TALKED in the '90s. Watching bits of these old episodes is sending me into a crazy, crazy '90s flashback.

I was just about to post the same thing. I don't notice any change whatsoever.

Wow, I had to stop watching at question number 2. Chilling and awful, blech.

I second Millpool's advice and would even take it a step further: don't mix menstruation and alcohol! I can't remember the sciencey facts behind it, but you're extra prone to dehydration and killer hangovers when drinking on the rag.

This is too funny. I actually laughed out loud when I read about your friend's poop shoes, mainly because I could think of two or three neurotic friends of my own who I can envision doing this themselves!

These are all excellent ideas. Thinking back, personally, the tinted moisturizer and tinted balm alone would have helped me out soooo much when I first started dabbling in makeup when I was younger (did they even exist 10 - 15 yrs ago? I have no idea). I'm going to have to put this on the back burner for future

Mmmmm you've just reminded me that I have all the makings of a very satisfying gazpacho waiting for me in the fridge at home.

It would actually make me really sad too. I always thought that they made a fun, kooky match.

My new slogan for summer 2012!

Ha! Reading this post and its comments — excuse me, conversations! — really, really made my evening yesterday. It was just so pleasantly ridiculous and farty. I hope you're having a pleasantly ridiculous morning! (I would hope that it were farty, too, but don't want you to feel self-conscious if you're at work!)

You just made me laugh out loud, and I laughed so hard that I farted. TRUTH! And, thank you!