
Dan Akroyd? Oh man, there goes that crush...

Thanks, I'm going to try embracing the awkward randomness from now on. That's been the hardest thing for me: I'll try it once, give up and chuck it into the depth of the linen closet and then try it a couple of months later, after I've stumbled across it while looking for something else in the closet. I've had mine

This video is AMAZING. Thanks so much for the tips, too!

I'm going to back-burner all these great tips for later, because I'm still trying to figure out how to get the Diva cup IN! Any advice? It seemed like a simple enough process, but I guess I just haven't found the right technique.

I thought he had died. ... Oh wait, that was the other one.

And that right there is the difference between morality and ethics.

Ha! Banana Slugs for the win!

I've had it stuck in my head all week, it's incredibly catchy.

This can't possibly be for real, right?

Wow, I've never considered that before! Thanks for sharing, this is awesome food for thought.

Absolutely, and very telling of the neuroses and fears of 19th century British bourgeoise society. The arrival or return of the revenge-seeking American/Creole 'monster' was a very popular trope in many 19th century European literatures.

Me three! I wrote her a letter about a month ago asking her to go all out against HR1 and HR3 and I'm really happy to see her on the frontlines (not that it's at all surprising).

I wasn't able to find it, is it not up yet?

Ha! I was caught off guard myself and bumbled around like a dufus. Thankfully, the staffer that picked up had a sense of humor...

Write her a thank you email, I did! Then I called my own representative and gave her staffer my own 2 cents on the Pence amendment...

I saw this movie in the theater with an ex-boyfriend. And his mother. And his grandmother.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'm so much happier now!!

I know, what time warp has the new blog format thrown us into???

@ritarocksnosalt: That sounds amazing. I want to do this in my car, at the grocery store, and in class with my students.