
Lady Gaga as Jo Calderone looks a lot like a young Robert Allen Zimmerman as Bob Dylan.

@BrackishTheNine: This sounds all too familiar. I too discovered the joys of masturbation at that age. My mom was raised Catholic and though she then became a quite progressive atheist as an adult she just could not wrap her head around child sexuality. Much shame and sexual repression ensued.

@keep_calm_and_carry_on: Here, here! The Dave Matthews Band deserves to be shot into outer orbit along with the Eagles and Steely Dan.

@mtraptor: I think my head just exploded.

@eruantaliel: I like to use green clay dry mix (I've been using the Burt's Bees clay for years: [] better than pre-made wet mixes so I can control the amount of liquid/kind of liquid I use. Most of the time I mix with water, though sometimes with carrot juice (I've heard of mixing it with tomato juice

@LauraElizabeth: I concur on the Cetaphil. I use an equally inexpensive drugstore find (recommended to me by my dermatologist I started seeing after my rosacea got really bad a couple of years ago), Aquanil. No soaps, no lipids, lasts forever, gets off makeup.

@eruantaliel: My skin is too sensitive to use those strips, so I've had to look for less gluey/gunky alternatives. I've found that a green clay mask once a week works just as well. Finding green clay at the local health food store or pharmacy is certainly less expensive (a little goes a long way, I've had the same 1

@NefariousNewt: Thank you, this perfectly articulates what I've only been able to emote as "wtf argghh!!!"

My parents met in a campground restaurant outside of Barcelona. My mom was my dad's waitress and he was there with his friends camping while on a Henry Miller-esque European road trip. They're still married 30 yrs later.

@beautifulbeast: Olga may have recorded a version too, I don't know, but "Teatro" is La Lupe's signature song (that's who's singing it in the video you've posted).

@The HZA.: These are all excellent choices; I also enjoy watching MST3K while eating an entire economy pack of Hot Tamales.

@ChloeOBrien: this may be the best compliment ever.

@awesomesauce: You're right, there weren't two Annes. But there WERE two Consuelas!

@the susan: The best natural deodorant I've found (and have been using exclusively for 4 years now) is from Earth Science. There are maybe three or four scents, as well as a non-scented version, and are of the stick variety. I'm using the liken plant "herbal scent" now, but have used their rosemary/mint in the past,

@SlayBelle: yes yes yes! thank you!