
The traditional width of the channel makes it so they don’t interfere with each other. If you go with 2-5 you’ll potentially overlap 1-6 and 6, 7-10 will overlap 6-11. So going with one of the three usually means the least interference.

That was going to be my question: How does this stack up against Overdrive?

There’s an ‘old desert trick’ that works when AC isn’t a choice. Take a topsheet, soak and wring it out as much as you can, or throw it in the washer for a rinse and spin cycle. (Bit expensive, tho.) Then wrap yourself up in the damp, but not dripping, sheet and have a fan going in the room. It will keep you cool, or

Yup, I’ve been using liquid bandages for some time, especially anything on the hands. What good is a band-aid when it becomes practically useless the second you wash your hands.

I use liquid bandages on my wounds when I know that lemon juice and sea salt won’t give me quite the rush I’m looking for

“She probably didn’t want to be direct about it, but that’s what seems to be the case here.”

I really appreciated the snarky responses as a woman who has had men continue to harrass me (at work one of them) after I said no and took steps to never be alone with them again. If CCS is a decent person hopefully they will take a step back and move on.

Something I wish that would come up with all the #metoo and women’s movement is a conversation about how dangerous it can be to reject men and what we can do to stop that from being the case. Look at burntfoot’s reaction, for example. He got rejected, now he’s angry and calling the girl a “bitch” for not sharing his

This sounds... This is an eerie letter to read after the shooting in Texas. Like it’s an alternate timeline from the future.

Also in b4 “why doesn’t she just tell him no why is she leading him on”

CCS seems like someone who has proclaimed himself a “nice guy” and doesn’t understand why girls don’t like “nice guys” like him.

American office environments are incredibly prudish.

I’m perfectly willing to give the server extra time to deal with split checks. I don’t mind reasonable limits like can’t split more than 8 ways or can’t split appetizers between checks. And I can get over a blanket no splitting policy if its some ancient hole in the wall with a POS POS. But I’m in the camp that says

Oh, agreed completely. And in the “should” world, where every driver is polite, intelligent, respectful, and sober, that would work amazingly well.

I don’t think I understand how me getting cash from the ATM makes your job any easier if I still want to pay separately. I’m not going to round up to the nearest $20 and I bet you’d prefer I didn’t round down. You’ll still need to calculate how much I owe and then count change instead of swiping a card.

I agree. Merges do work better when 100% of the drivers on the road agree how they should work, and all are traffic engineers who understand the logistics behind lane merges, and who are all unfailingly polite and respectful and intelligent.

I think the line is crossed when you start asking to split appetizers, bottles of wine, etc. between different diners to come up with some unholy combination of tickets. If every item has a sole owner, and it’s relatively clear who had what or you’re not going to get bent out of shape if one gets misallocated...then I

it’s a fairly standard non-apology tactic. “I’m sorry you were offended” = “We’re sorry we got called out on our racist bullshit.”

The customer shouldn’t feel any guilt over paying for what they ordered in any configuration that makes logical sense. Most restaurants are using electronic point of sale that can handle anything you throw at them. If the system can’t, the waitstaff is going to be used to doing the math and dealing with it - just be

I understand it may be tedious and kind of annoying, but... isn’t that just part of your job as a waiter/waitress? This isn’t asking you to vacuum up crushed cheerios from my loud, annoying kids. I don’t think it is in any way unreasonable or “shitty” to ask for multiple checks (I’ll draw the line at divvying up

He didn’t want to deal with that situation.