“On gender and diversity, the BBC is more diverse than the broadcasting industry and the civil service,”
“On gender and diversity, the BBC is more diverse than the broadcasting industry and the civil service,”
Gawd...this is so timely. I just found out that my coworker (a man) got a bonus. We do the same jobs and I’ve been at the company longer. He’s also about to go on “vacation” with pay to interview for a job in another area and possibly the boss feels this...I guess he’s got some extra travelling money now! My…
I’ve seen other articles that go into more depth on this and provide several examples of shows where male and female cohosts make different amounts (with the men making more). But yeah, when you compare what Mary Berry - a national freakin’ treasure! - is making to Norton and Evans it just seems wrong. The estimate is…
I will bet a million dollars that they point to having a female Doctor as them taking a step forward for gender equality.
BBC don’t pay Graham Norton Show salary so it’s not counted. His real Salary is likely closer to £2m to be honest.
Agreed. And yet another example of a mediocre man getting paid far more than a far superior woman. I’m sick of it.
Nah. If you’ve actually seen or been to S. Africa it’s not pretty white. At All.
Ooh hell no. Afrikaners are so not British. Though actually they’d be really pissed at being confused with Brits, so carry on.
Its actually not. White people are 9% of the South African population.
Just a thought: She may have been required to wear gloves when handing out food. You know, like in most places where food is distributed.
Pageants cost money.
Well, since Black Twitter already dragged her I have another question. Why the hell is Miss South Africa white?
I don’t know about your wife, but I was also incredibly annoyed with how the adults the were portrayed.
Ugh, fuck. As someone who’s struggled with depression and anxiety, I could not hate this show more. It’s every teenage fantasy of suicide: after I’m gone, everyone will realize how mean they were to me, I get to litigate every grievance, big and small (seriously one of her “reasons” was that her friend started dating…
Half the people who got tapes didn’t really do anything wrong, did something inconsequential, and/or were actually hurt by Hannah as well.
This. Hannah is treated a reductively damaged goods, where the only way out of that trope is to kill herself. And this doesn’t even work in this series because she just becomes the dead girl who died because she was raped and stuff. Still damaged goods, now with deadness. It completely ignores that are plenty of…
This. I thought it did a decent job on tackling slut shaming and sexual assault, but the suicide revenge plot was completely fucked. I had to stop watching because it brought up bad memories of my cousin who killed herself, but one of my friends also said not everyone who received a tape committed some great wrong…
I watched a few episodes and had to stop. It made me feel anxious and depressed.
This: “It moreover proffers the fantasy of, as it were, attending one’s own funeral à la Tom Sawyer. Because Hannah acts as narrator, she feels present to us; thus, it’s easy to forget that she doesn’t actually witness the fallout of her suicide.”