
I think the Oscars incident is worth criticizing and writing about because it reveals just how unfuckingprofessional the whole thing always is (and usually at the expense of POC and LGBTQ people). At this point, an annual event like this should be a well-oiled machine, but they cannot seem to get their act together.

Honestly, it’s the media referring to them as accountants, but really they’re auditors, which I think would help clarify. All awards show hire an independent auditor (Emmy’s has Ernst & Young, I believe the Grammy’s are Deloitte) in order to ensure that the results are accurate and free from discrepancy.

IMO, they needed to rehearse this possibility, not just talk about it. And they needed approved scripts that they rehearsed too. Yes, they screwed up, but so did PWC, for not taking their contingency planning all the way. The Academy should require these rehearsals before each show.

The general public should be thanking these people. This was one of the more entertaining things to ever happen at the Oscars, and I normally like watching them just fine.

Warren Fucking Beatty is a professional actor and even he couldn’t get his head out of his ass and say that someone fucked up in that moment in front of that crowd. He knew something was wrong, but he was too scared to say anything so he punted it and showed the card to Dunaway, who didn’t read the whole thing.


This isn’t some fucking low rent high school theater production.

They both messed up, but his fuck up was a lot worse. He gave the wrong envelope AND refused to own up to it and stop things. She refused to do anything and risk taking the blame for him. I can feel sympathy for Ruiz hesitating to go on stage—she knew that being a woman, she’d be blamed for it even though she wasn’t

I don’t care about the Oscars and this year I actually know the winner of both Best Actress and Best Picture.That’s more than I normally would know. I bet it’s like that for quite a few people. It was entertaining as hell and people are still talking. Maybe they should have twists in awards shows more!

Yeah, maybe the job should just go to a couple of very experienced Broadway stage or major tour managers who sign NDAs. Folks who have seen it all and just want to get the job done.

Right? I think it is absolutely insane that the SM’s plan was to let two accountants handle the situation in the event that there is a screw up on live television in front of a gathering of the most famous people in the country with cameras allowing tens of millions more to tune in.

And unless they have a history of screw ups, I think banning from the Oscars is enough punishment.

Seriously, this. I mean they’re already going down in history as the ones who fucked up the Academy Awards and been banned by the Academy from participating again, done and done, leave them alone.

There are, max, a couple dozen people who get to be upset over this flub. Beyond that, you need to get your head checked. Posting their addresses online? The fuck is wrong with people?!

Let’s back up for a min.

Natoli said he immediately told the stage managers in the wings, “Get the accountants out there!” But he said both Cullinan and Ruiz hesitated. “John was trying to get Brian to go on stage, and he wouldn’t go,” he said. “And Martha wouldn’t go. We had to push them on stage, which was just shocking to me.”

Can you imagine being the sort of person who wakes up in the morning and decides that your activity for the day will be track down and post online identifying information of some accountants who fucked up a stupid awards show? With the intention that someone will harm or at least threaten these accountants? Again, not

Why are people so insane? This is maybe, just maybe, a fireable offense, but it’s definitely not a dox and threaten lives level mistake.

Yeah, who would send death threats about the Oscars, for crying out loud. There are plenty of other death threaty things worthwhile out there. Chewing loudly in a movie theatre, saying “cool beans,” selfie sticks, family reunions, naming a kid “Jinger,” pot holes, fanny packs. Geez people, get your rage in order.

As a SM, I can 100% testify how hard it is to get people to go out when a mistake happens on stage. People always nod and think they can handle it pre-show, but when it’s down to it, there’s always a hesitation and a “maybe if I give it five more seconds it’ll fix itself,” and sometimes you get lucky and it does, but

So, just to be clear, dude massively fucks up, woman gets equally blamed for not covering his ass quickly enough? Figures.