
The facts aren’t on your side.

The science is not on your side, and there is no evidence to suggest white families use more or less corporeal punishment than any other race.

But it’s a difference in degree, not kind.

The acceptable level of spanking to me is none and I think people just get defensive about it because they were spanked. You don’t need to spank. It’s not necessary. Your parents aren’t terrible people for doing it, but we know it’s ineffective and damaging now so let’s just not.

I’m not going to respond to comments.

You’re a sample size of one. Researchers looking at large groups of people say that, overall, it doesn’t work.

The evidence for spanking is overwhelmingly negative at this point in time. Saying that you were spanked and “turned out fine” is a gross oversimplification and carves out a niche where you are a magical exception to it all and you’re not. You can’t travel to a parallel universe where you weren’t spanked in order to

I’m glad someone is talking about it... I have so many period problems that I feel like I can’t talk about lest I be cast as some sickly, wimpy woman. The more women talking about women’s health issues, the more seriously it will be taken by the medical community.

Not Lena’s biggest fan, but endometriosis is no fucking joke. I appreciate the fact that she is very open about it, because the attitude of “just shut up and deal with it” when women have extremely heavy periods/awful cramps is still too prevalent.

I didn’t think spanking was abuse until I studied corporal punishment in college and law school. I definitely think it is abuse now. I have never hit my son, who is 4. NEVER! My husband spanked him once, and my son told me about it when I got home. When I asked my husband about it, he denied it. I believed my son, who

I have to say: I think it can be both true that he had vitiligo (I absolutely believe he did) and that he had issues with his African features and skin color. People can have those issues and still not want to be white, exactly. Especially in his situation, having been raised by an abusive father who hammered him

How about we just don’t hit people.

To me the key thing is that the child reported being spanked to the school. That sets off warning bells.

My parents spanked me, and look how my life turned out; I’m commenting from the grays at Jezebel. Parents, never spank your kids.

Lena Dunham’s period has lasted 13 days.

Every time I report something I get this message saying it doesn’t go against their report guidelines. Twice I reported a screenshot of that kidnapping video that was turned into a meme, using 2 different reasons. Same damn message. I commented back that it was from the video FB took down THE DAY BEFORE. I was so

This is just an awful story at every level.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Should not be surprising if you read the ingredients. It’s just zinc and not in high enough concentrations to prevent sun burn and skin damage.

“By baby powder alternative,” they probably mean it’s made without talc.