
I met the Pine-Sol lady once! She is so cool! I told her that there is something really compelling about the way she pronounces Pine-Sol. Seriously, I always had to drop everything and watch her commercials just because of that. It was weirdly satisfying and mysterious.

I had an epiphany at one point, that black people trying to explain to white people how ordinary the experience of casual racism is to them, is a lot like being a woman and trying to explain the universality of sexual harassment and assault to men. Even when they’re well-meaning, the way they overreact, the way they

I’ve found it’s most often white guys that feel they have experienced a life that’s actually disadvantaged that get so upset at the “white privilege” concept. This is why you’ll find the most vehement opponents of the concept among men who grew up economically disadvantaged, overweight, socially awkward, or some other

It’s just practice!

“45,000 reached, 800 likes”

I am constantly amazed by lack of empathy - and imagination. It’s really easy for me to imagine myself in the shoes of someone else - and always has been (theater major). I have real trouble understanding people who just can’t see things from other perspectives. So I guess I lack empathy for the unimaginative.

It’s white supremacy expressed through constantly lying and telling the rest of us that it’s a meritocracy

Disclosure: I’m not American so I’m not steeped in the crazy racist shit you guys are.

This is exactly what I mean when I am talking about attachment “to the belief that their achievements are entirely personally earned.” It’s paired with the beliefs that their experiences and intentions are central to the discussion, and neither of those things are true either.

Keep in mind, these are the same people that mock the concept of triggering and safe spaces. The people that go on television and break down in tears over “No, the white guy right there.” They mock triggering and safe spaces.

Yes, I am the artiste.

That is some amazing ad hoc photoshopping.

They want their own plus yours.

They’re mad because they don’t realize they already have their own. As in, society was built to favor them.

no offense to white hills

So he chose “Bo”? It wasn’t forced upon him by passive-agressive parents who resented him for being born and ending their carefree child-less life?

“If the tables had been turned and I had used something...and been as insensitive as to say something like that, you’re talking about I would be boycotted, there would be people not buying my albums...”

I bet he was just pissed that they didn’t recognize him. If they had said, “He’s already got his, that fifteen-minutes-of-fame-having, losing-to-Carrie-Underwood-back-in-2005* motherfucker,” he’d have been perfectly happy.

White Man Upset That He Was Described As White Later Describes Child He Bought A Present For As Black

Bo Bice’s real name is Harold Elwin Bice.