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Just chuck them all and watch The Thomas Crowne Affair (1999)

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a Bond movie so I have nothing of value to offer here. I just wanted to say that I love this line:

From Russia With Love, you comment below this article, though I will never see it, for I studiously ignore bad opinion.

Goldeneye will hold up in 54 years minus some uncomfortable attitudes towards Russians (but they won’t care anyway because they’re all drunk). The rest of the Brosnan movies will fair well as the glorious shlock that they are.

It’s also important to remember that with liners like this lifeboats weren’t thee for people to be in while the ship sank. Ships like this were expected to sink slowly if they ever sank (which they didn’t think was likely). Lifeboats were there to ferry the passengers and crew to the rescuing ships - there were always

Tedious and boring extensive multi-factor explanations are also a lot more expensive to fix than “let’s get a new X vendor” or “it was Joe’s fault and he’s dead, so.” 

I know at least one guy whose house burned down

The modern equivalent is setting off on a road trip with a car that leaks a little oil. Ok, maybe leaks a lot of oil, but you figure you can just stop along the way and fill it back up before anything bad happens. Most of the time, it all works out ok, but when it doesn’t, you are stranded on the side of the highway

The fire was contained in the coal bunker for the duration of the voyage. Surviving passengers from the lower forward decks reported a sulfur-like smell as the voyage commenced from Southampton but there doesn’t exist any evidence (including testimony from crewmen who worked to extinguish the fire) that the passenger

Is that a promise? I kinda want to see it with the Sharknado 4 production value...

That sounds far too simplistic, therefore I reject it. (If only for the distinct irony.)

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Their fuel was coal. So it would’ve been smoldering like a charcoal grill. It’s not like they had a fuel tank full of diesel on fire when they left port.

The ‘Godzilla Theory’ still holds water with me.

“Of course, while it’s known that there was a fire onboard, not everyone agrees that the fire—even if it did weaken the hull—was the fatal blow to the ship. After all, the Titanic hit a huge chunk of ice in the middle of the ocean.”

citation needed (he still hasn’t released his long form transcript & diploma).

I was a National Merit scholar from Oklahoma who did the whole east coast tour of Ivy League schools and “hidden Ivies”. In the end, it came down to Harvard and Yale offering $0, Wake Forest offering $500 a semester, and OU giving me a full ride for tuition, fees, room and board for 5 years plus $1,500 a semester in

Ooh! Oooh! white men will talk about how they’re under attack?! Uhh, white men will explain how black people are the real racists?!! Umm, white men will organize a counter-protest to defeat the tyranny of POC wanting to be treated like human beings?!!

Because of this, he still had access to a contact list through a private Facebook group consisting of freshmen. Authorities believe the student, whose name hasn’t been released, used the freshmen list to compile the racist GroupMe chat.

