
Our readers have made it clear through purchasing patterns and many Kinja Co-Ops that they really like Anker products. So if they have a good deal, we’d be doing our audience a disservice to sit on it, even if there are a lot of them.

Our readers have made it clear through purchasing patterns and many Kinja Co-Ops that they really like Anker

If I’m correct, you admit to reading only three paragraphs of this and then, in response, write two. I will never understand

I think the issue is that it can get shoehorned into a lot of anime where it doesn’t really belong, and it’s jarring for a lot of viewers.

“Today, how you feel about panty shots can determine how you feel about anime as a whole.”

And for me it absolutely did.

A decade ago I’d have considered myself an anime fan. Watch a ton of it and read just as much manga. I even attended a weekly anime club a few years earlier than that in high school. I’m not naive, I

No, but Daniels shouldn’t act as if casting a young white woman as the lead was some deeply considered, slavish act of humanity, as opposed to an attempt to broaden his audience or simply experiment with different character dynamics, both reasonable rationales. He’s sounding a bit, um, Precious.

Finally, our long, national nightmare of POC getting all the lead roles is over. Thank you, Lee Daniels, savior of the nation, healer of racial divides!

It’s so wonderful that, in the wake of an election in which a huge number of white people were openly hostile to people of color, that we now need to placate those hostile people by giving them even MORE of what they want, so that they will forgive us, which they will never do anyways.

situating a diverse ensemble around a white character will help make the show more palatable to viewers across color lines,

Even in that context it’s not ok to grope someone without their consent even if she is in love with him. Hell at that point they’ve never met up until then so your argument is nonsense.

There’s plenty of anime for you to enjoy if you don’t like fanservice

So, this has a lot of similarities with being a feminist and reading comics. I love comics, but women are usually portrayed as fan service for male readers. Doesn’t matter how powerful, serious or old the characters are, it’s a very samey-samey bathing suit costume for you! Male characters have a wide range of body

My favourite commenters are ones that find some individual example that only tells half the story and use it to write off an entire article. But yeah, it’s Kotaku that’s “fucking cringe.”

I was literally just talking about this to a friend at work.

I mean aside from a couple GOT has been lambasted for the way it handles nudity as a side course for the male gaze rather than actually handing the story so that show does not work quite as week.

My only problem with fan service is that it’s just another lame anime trope. It often adds nothing to the story and only further stereotypes anime as shallow pleasure-viewing.

It is incredibly hard to get into anime when you don’t like fanservice. I want to like anime, and I am an available and interested audience. I am always looking for suggestions, and love it when I finally find something that it isn’t gratuitous. But most of the time when someone suggests something, they’ve completely

This definitely reminds me of a quote from Hayao Miyazaki criticizing the modern state of animation that I can’t help but agree with.

Giving a character a job or role that allows them to be fan service isn’t an excuse for them being fan service. Especially when there’s literally no other impact on the character and plot from that job or role.

I’ve said this before, but as a fairly casual watcher of the occasional anime, the blatant sexual fanservice discourages me from checking out the genre as a whole. That scene from Seven Deadly Sins is a perfect example - after checking out the pilot on a whim, I saw a teenager basically molesting an unconscious woman.

I’m generally fine with fan service.