
Oh, you crabby people. It’s ok to love the original and to love the new version. (It’s not ok to love the movie version with John Travolta though.)

So I guess I am in the minority that actually liked the movie, as nothing more than cute, campy (seriously, SERIOUSLY campy!) fun. Zac Efron almost made me reconsider my firm stance against being a cougar! j/k I kid, I kid. But I was looking forward to the live event, but now I will be picking up my niece from the

I’m not surprised it may be lik The Wiz: Live! They found the formula of using people with experience and casting a nobody in the lead (just like the film version for Hairspray). Even if there are faults, it gets glossed over.

The musical is actually really great, and I am a HUGE fan of Waters’ version. #WhyCantWeHaveBoth

The Wiz Live was actually pretty great, so I have faith in this.

No shit? I mean if anyone ever deserved the death penalty (which I’m against), he does, but JFC what a waste of time and money.

I’m willing to bet that there has been a lot of work done behind the scenes. A fair bit of sausage making that isn’t shown to the public.

It reminds me of those radicals in Flint, and their bizarre and selfish demand for drinking water they could drink.

If it ain’t broke. Besides, you can’t safely light fires in most modern tent structures because of chemicals and breathability.

This kind of action is what it’s going to take if we want to push against power and a cause a crisis of leadership.

She was sexually assaulted.

Well it’s not even in the same universe of “not okay” but they genuinely surprised Alan Rickman in his final scene in Die Hard by dropping him without warning on to his landing mat, hence his really really legit-looking surprise as he falls to his death in the movie. But they didn’t traumatize him and he thought it

Let’s point out that it is CORPORATE infrastructure, rather than PUBLIC infrastructure, which was set back here. And for good reasons, too.

“Roads, bridges, transmission lines, pipelines, wind farms, and water lines will be very difficult, if not impossible, to build when criminal behavior is rewarded this way” he said in a statement.

I still can’t believe “don’t poison the water” is a political statement. How can anyone claim to be a Christian and support poisoning someone’s water and harassing people who just want to protect their own health and that of their kids? You don’t see “pro-life” people at these protests or helping out in Flint do you?

My mom is there right now, I’ll bet it’s CRAZY. I’ll update with stories when she checks in.

Yeah, who cares about those Native Americans and their water supply. Who needs clean water anyway? Just ask the residents of Flint...oh...

So, I know you gave only two examples, but I’m wondering: has a director ever pulled this shit with a man? Or are they only ever using the element of surprise for a “genuine” reaction from female types? Because there’s nothing fucked up about that whatsoever.

I’d draw a distinction between what Scott did in Alien (scared the crap out of his actors with unexpected gross special effects) and what Kubrick did to Duvall and Bertolucci here. The first example might be a little mean but is ultimately pretty harmless. The latter two were psychological, emotional, and physical

I didn’t want Maria to act her humiliation, her rage. I wanted Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and humiliation.