
I buy the Gillian & O’Malley (spelling?) brand from Target and also am around a 38C. It can still be super hit-or-miss but they are so affordable that you can actually buy a few practical bras and some fun ones and not go broke. You might have to order online, depending on your Target - I used to live by one that was

The whole, unnatural affair strikes me as very Brazilian Carnival— minus the earthy vitality and exuberance. VS is essentially creating a “spectacle” to bump their brand back up in the rankings. I don’t have any problem with the models; I suspect half of them are utterly depleted from near starvation, but hey, that’s

That’s my size too, and honestly I get most of my bras at Target. The Maidenform ones are pretty decent and affordable.

Anyone else feel like they were watching a really fucked-up version of the Parade of Nations during the Miss Universe pageant?

Victoria Secrets does Final Fantasy cosplay.

As far as I know: creeper dudes. Creepers are the audience. 

It’s like every year they try to make it tackier than the year before.

It depends on the pronunciation. Everybody in my extended family called my father’s father “Papa,” but it was pronounced “Paw-Paw,” with an equal emphasis on both syllables. It’s what my kids call my father. My wife called her grandfather “Peepaw.”

Paw-paw here. (Also, Texas here)

She says it’s short for “grandma green” but let’s be real, she just didn’t want to be called grandma.

Hipster old millennial dads ew right?

Yep.. my Grandpa was Papa

No. Papa is Grandpa.

Preemptive statement- yes. Beauty pageants are antiquated meat markets.

I don’t understand why people are less than enthused about this. As a Minnesotan, this and the MN house set rep that was elected have been some small wins in an otherwise abysmal year. I don’t watch pagents but she looks happy and freaking awesome. If this is what she wants to do with her life I will support her all

I love this story and Halima seems like a lovely young woman.

I signed on to Jezebel in the midst of an awful wave of depression, to read comments and be assured that I’m not alone and to find something to keep me going till bedtime without too much grumbling. This did it for me. So much love for this young woman.

Sure, but it’s nice to see someone taking advantage of the pageant to actually spread a positive message. I like the idea of subverting something like this.

As someone who gets a sunburn just thinking about a trip to the beach, this girl desperately wants a burkini! Just take my money already.

And it’s not like what women wear isn’t policed in North America too, from the earliest ages. With school dress codes and endless requirements in work environments and shit.