
This was my point to my father (who is generally cool) when Trayvon Martin was killed. I said that when I was a teenager, wearing a hoodie as I usually did, if some nut in an unmarked car pulled up beside me and started bothering me while I was walking, I would have done exactly what Martin did. I would have been

Agreed. Another pacifist here, atheist though.  I grew up around guns, and the first rule was to never, EVER point a gun at anything that you didn’t want to kill. We only ever shot skeet and milk jugs and cans, but the gun was pointed at the ground whenever it wasn’t our turn, and was only loaded when we were

Teenagers of every race act shitty all the time. There is no justification for this whatsoever. I just cant wrap my head around these types of shootings. You’re scared? Leave.

I live in a white neighborhood in Georgia where 60+ year-old men “patrol” the neighborhood looking for “thugs” regularly.

From the quotes, I think the only thing threatened was his masculinity.

Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Lt. Steve Cooper: “

I’ve lived in South Carolina within the past decade. At least once a day, I’d see someone (always a white someone) driving around with a bumper sticker saying something to the effect of “I will shoot & kill you if you do something I don’t like on the road.” Southern Conservatives, the ones who don’t have their hands

Means (who, at 15, was a boy, not a man), crossed the street to Pulliam, but Pulliam’s assertion the boy was armed seem unsubstantiated at the moment.

I feel bad for staring this but it’s so true. I bet he was worried that the police wouldn’t do it

“I just shot him. I felt my life was in danger,” Pulliam said.

One of my old WoW raiding guildmates would stream and her chat was *so* filled with pervs I actually decided to sit there and take screenshots of the chat (and a couple other women streamers I knew) and compared them to male streamers. The image is on my computer but I’ve seen it make the rounds in a few places, I’ll

The judge in this case was fantastic and did not allow Thomas Mair to address the court. Another thing that was left out of this story was that court heard that Jo Cox tried to protect her staff and said “Get away from him, let him hurt me.”

While this study is definitely of the “water is wet” -variety, I’d say it’s still rather important to have an actual study on it, instead of just gut-feelings... I doubt anyone has done this before.

To be honest i’m just glad they’ve dropped the mental health angle and have started actually just calling him a terrorist. It took them a bit (though they’ve been pretending they’ve been calling him that since)

Mair was motivated, in part, by political ideology

Upon hearing the news, the president elect scratched a name off his list of potential cabinet members and muttered, “dammit”.

It is too bad that the people who laid the ideological groundwork for this man’s crimes - like UKIP leader Nigel Farage - will never see the inside of a courtroom.

In terms of the words used in the study is ‘cute’ really that deserving of the objectifying label, especially compared with practically everything they use.

“I am extremely shocked by these results.”