
Epiphones make decent electric guitars for beginners. Squier (by Fender) make some decent ones as well. I am sure there others, but those are two you will be able to find in any good sized music store. My experience with lower cost guitars is that the quality control isn’t as good as it is with the higher cost

Epiphones make decent electric guitars for beginners. Squier (by Fender) make some decent ones as well. I am sure

Calling that “an actual Les Paul guitar” is pretty misleading. That’s barely an Epiphone. I have and love Epiphone guitars but the low end of Epiphone is probably not worth buying, even for beginners. I see lots of people fizzle out on guitar because they buy the cheapest one they can find and they suck to play.

Calling that “an actual Les Paul guitar” is pretty misleading. That’s barely an Epiphone. I have and love Epiphone

Pence is going to be doing most of the scut work anyway. I’d rather he be the actual president than the president-in-all-but name so we can get him out of power sooner. Sure he sucks—both of them suck—but at least he’s not going to go on a Twitter tirade if someone hurts his pwecious feewings or refuse to stay at the

Silmarillion reference needs more eleni.

Horrible versus horrible and insane? I’ll take the horrible.

I thought it was only us whiny millennials who wanted participation trophies!?!?! That’s what all the old assholes keep screaming about!

If Donald Trump wants to live in the United States, he’s going to have to assimilate to our way of doing things.

Next “8" years?! Last time I checked, Trump hasn’t been re-elected.

She actually seems like a pretty great kid (she’s only 19). She talks a lot about intersectional feminism and the need for more diversity in modeling.

I completely agree with everything you said, but she’s actually half-Malaysian Malay (obviously that still doesn’t excuse the cultural appropriation). I just think it’s a bit sloppy for the reporters to keep calling her white (based on the white town remark) when she doesn’t appear to identify as white and wouldn’t

She didn’t apologize because she had to. She apologized because she wanted to. She was the one who came forward and pointed out that it was her in that picture and that she’s white. I think this is an issue of someone who has learned a lot about cultural appropriation and why it’s a problem, and wishes she knew

I don’t see why she had to apologize to begin with.

She’s actually half white, half Malaysian. Also, some casual googling found her discussing intersectional feminism, abortion rights, and the need for ethnic diversity in fashion. She’s only 19 and she’s using her fame as a platform to discuss really important issues. I sort of love her.

Clover’s not going for outrage. Not every Jez article is about being outraged. It’s about the mistake the magazine made and especially the well-handled apology from the model. Seems more like Clover wanted to feature the model’s genuine apology as a good example. It’s supposed to be kind of a happy ending story.

White supremacist seems to be a good term for the alt right. They’re not exactly neo nazis, not exactly KKK, but an assortment of white supremacist groups with some varying ideologies.

As far as I’m concerned:

Criticism isn’t censorship. That’s a pretty basic distinction, man.

The source material was also super racist, which the game stayed away from. So, you know.

There is a difference between sexy and sexist. The trick is for people adapting Howard’s work to steer it toward the former and away from the later.

There is an upcoming Conan RPG (by Modiphius) that was also funded by Kickstarter. The sample art for some of the books gave me similar pause, although the management swear that female players and characters will be given fair treatment. However, a lot of the comments from backers during the campaign were very much