Precisely. Also, those watching the live stream of the protest reported that the cops’ own tear gas canisters were starting fires - the very fires they said they needed to put out. It’s a clusterfuck.
Precisely. Also, those watching the live stream of the protest reported that the cops’ own tear gas canisters were starting fires - the very fires they said they needed to put out. It’s a clusterfuck.
When I read that on Guardian this morning, AFTER I saw the pictures and videos, I was like “what?”
How do we help them?
This will also likely save lives, because Catholic women who have been inculcated with the idea that abortion is wrong may be more willing to pursue abortions in situations that threaten their health and life.
I am not sure why we are supposed to be surprised that Catholics still consider abortion a sin. That is verrrrrry unlikely to change in the near future. So now a Catholic woman who WANTS forgiveness for something she considers a sin doesn’t have to go to a bishop to get it. That is reasonable under the circumstances.…
Actually, no. Again, I’m not Catholic, but for women who are, who believe devoutly and have had abortions, this matters. For women and men who believe who want to see the church evolve, this matters.
i get the snark, but really, for women of faith, this is a huge deal to them. Right or wrong, they feel like they’ve sinned and need forgiveness. This is a good thing. This is one of those moments where we can step out of our bubble a little bit and understand the progress that this is for faithful Catholics.
I’m not even Catholic, and I find your post kind of offensive...The church is oppressive, but as condesending as the Pope’s announcement may sound to many of us, it IS a tiny step forward for the church institution.
It’s so frustrating living in a lower tier midwestern city. These fabulous movies never come to our theaters! There are always so many movies I want to see, but can’t until they are Available on demand. But the local theatre has the new Harry Potter movie in 4 theatres. Ugh, these movies just don’t stand a chance.
Yes. Who’s to say that the President of the United States can’t exhibit a dangerous tendency towards government censorship?
And just like that - POOF! - all mentions of $25 million dollar fraud-settlement, business meetings with Indian business partners, Ivanka sitting in on the meeting with Japanese leader - gone. Scrubbed, completely, from our collective memory. Hey, at least it’s tidy!
After Mary Todd threw all the china at the wall he changed his relationship status to it’s complicated.
“He has over 25 million followers on Facebook and Twitter and it’s a great way for him to take his message directly to people, cut through the noise or the silence, whatever the case may be,” Conway replied. “Sometimes he’s just trying to cut through the nonsense of people telling Americans what’s important to them,…
Oh, we’re not blaming the teachers, we’re blaming the school boards and the for-profit fuckers who have gotten legislative approval to fucking hamstring educators. I’m going to stop now, because this particular rant of mine can go on for HOURS.
I feel like we are not talking enough about the fact that she fucking smashed the cake. That’s so awesome. Like “no cake for you, sexist dick bags.
sought—jokingly—to adjust a law that sets the minimum age for stripping to include weight and age limits.
BTW, folks, the runoff election for Louisiana U.S. Senator approaches. If the Democrat wins, the U.S. Senate will be divided 51-49 Republican/Democrat. If the Republican wins, it will be 52-48.
“I feel it was not offensive.” When will people learn that if it offended, it’s offensive?
“Oh I’m terribly sorry, but the goalposts are actually over *there*. Common mistake...”
It upsets me to no end that no matter how shitty men are, how impolite, how rude, we are supposed to be meek and calm and ask them nicely to stop.