You can get suspended from Faux News for saying shit about Obama? Color me surprised. I would have thought that kind of thing came with a generous pay raise.
You can get suspended from Faux News for saying shit about Obama? Color me surprised. I would have thought that kind of thing came with a generous pay raise.
1. I know a guy who was THRILLED the first time he had to buy tampons for his wife. He describes himself as a short, fat, hairy guy. He strutted into that Walgreens, stomped up to the feminine hygiene section, and held that box proud, because it was PROOF POSITIVE that he had a woman and was getting laid.
Cosio: remove the jerseys from the situation, and what you have is straightforward assault. I would say this if it were fans of my favorite team beating someone up. That is never okay. It’s a goddamned football game. So someone was saying shit to you on the street? Walk the fuck away. Call the police if you feel you…
So has Goodell basically given up on discipline this season after last season’s multiple issues? Because that was pretty blatant, and I assumed Pacman was going to have A LOT of free time on his hands this season.
Or enroll at Liberty University. Seriously, either you want a university education or you want your biases confirmed. In which case, there are many Christian Universities, some of which are even remotely accredited and will graduate you with a marketable degree. But if you want to go to Duke because it’s Duke, well,…