
The one thing I feel jilted about regarding the DNC, and even moreso when I saw how evident they were pushing a specific agenda to have her elected, was that it never felt like we as Democrats chose Hillary. Not for nothing, but when Trump entered the field, there were what... 15 other Republican candidates? And

jesus fuck. the world is way harder than this.

I was unconvinced until Stamos told me to “Come, it’ll be fun” at the very end there *swoons*. Now I HAVE to watch it if Stamos says I do.

I’m actually digging the cup. The sentiment can still be applied to Christmas and what it represents to the far right, while also being a color that evokes positive feelings about Xmas. There’s nothing inherently Christian about “Green”, but last I checked Judaism, Kwanza, and Atheist celebrations had nothing Green

I always thought analysts had the “coaching tree” backwards. Like...... “Look at this coach, and how his assistants all went on to become genius amazeball coaches! He’s so great!” When in fact I just interpreted it as, “okay, the coach had really great help all the time” *cough* Parcells *cought*.

False. We don’t want him as our Quarterback because the intangible he’s missing is “studly super model”. That’s a must when you’re throwing to Amendola and Edelman.

Step 1 : Crunchyroll subscription

I have a ton of constructive criticisms for this game, but at the end of the day this was a big success for me. It was a point for Square after they’d lost so many points recently. As far as JRPGs in the last 5 years go, this one is definitely in the tops. Is it a “classic” in the same way some of the old ones were?

Came here for Megara...

Now playing

I’m sorry this is the undisputed BEST trailer ever IMO. It perfectly encaptures all the same chaos you mention in the article, and really makes the mind think in slow motion with the video. And you see how the entire battlefield is one, but at the end... You see the one thing that stands out differently from the

Shit, Miss Piggy looks better than ever. Kermit needs to keep an eye out.

In the book the description of how “long” Coldhands appears to have been dead far exceeds what would have been possible for Benjen. My secret pet theory is that Coldhands is in fact Dunk, from Dunk and Egg.