
The only thing that’s changed since then is that he read Carl’s letter, and I don’t care who disagrees with me, but the fact that the letter inspired him to stop being a cold-blooded murderer and work for a better world as opposed to his son literally saying the words to him as he died in Rick’s arms is

IMO there’s no way you can do this without overhauling the whole SR system. Some points:

On the topic of the love story: I think Square did itself an enormous disservice by coming out and saying Rinoa isn’t Ultimecia. That is one of my favorite video game theories, and adds SO MUCH to an already established plotline. It’s one of the few times where my head-canon will override what the deverloper says.

Only thing I can think of is the Lions wanted a 2 for the Calvin Johnson rights and Bill is going ALL IN for Superbowl this year. Literally no long term gameplan in mind at this point for the team.

Sidenote on the “persistence” being romantic. I enjoy trolling women on their love of certain romantic movies, most notably The Notebook. My absolute favorite when they talk about the romanticism of it all and I remind them of how Noah courted her in the beginning. She was on a double date, enjoying herself and she

Commenters are crazy dude. For this to be top deadspin post during the day needs to be something superhuman. This isn’t. It’s a GREAT volleyball play, but the problem is the context. We NEVER get volleyball plays and THIS is the choice? For a sport that’s negligibly covered the highlight needs to be more than this.

Not gonna lie this sounds awesome, how can one set location based reminders though? Is it phone specific or is there an app?

*someone posts super sad lyrics to something*

I like this move, only because the sequel was implied to heavily feature Dr. Wu again. In the original Jurassic Park, Dr. Wu was far more philosophical with the nature of the science tampering. Given how MUCH tampering they’re doing in these recent movies, they could tap into that and have Goldblum be the foil.

As a casual fan, weren’t they a World Series team a couple seasons ago? II know Edwin Encarcion left this offseason (I think), does that have much to do with it? Or do they just stink all around?

I’ve noticed two thing in Japanese:

But that’s what the OP was saying, it’s all a matter of the choke point. Provided you have a flexible team there are LOADs of options to disable that duo at said checkpoint. Some of these may be undoable in real Pro Comp, but for the layman, they work:

1. Sombra disabling Reinhardt’s Shield. That’s got the most HP so

Main takeaway? Script.

Question: On a scale of 1-10 how accurate to the amateur historian is Nioh?

FUCK YOU. Not a single KoRN song on this playlist?

*reads article*

The archetype seems mundane in the US. But Japan, Ignis is a VERY relatable character, and Prompto is endearing in a way that to us seems ordinary, but to Japanese they see as a sigh of relief.

It’s fine. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Right? He was clearly Jax from Mortal Kombat. Amateurs.

is that there are plenty of qualified Asian American actors who would be great in the roles but the reason they are not used is because they “will not sell tickets.