The ruling class has no interest in teaching the disadvantaged how they are ripping them off.
The ruling class has no interest in teaching the disadvantaged how they are ripping them off.
Maybe his liver will fail in the next couple of years. He’s certainly done enough damage to it.
I wonder if his back hurts from dragging the definition of adulthood from 18 to 22 by himself, and if he’ll be able to drag it back to 18 when someone not wealthy and privileged commits a crime.
“Feel better folks! He’s not a rapist! He’s just a drunkard! You idiots like beer too, amrite? #lovebeer”
I should be shocked that Kavanaugh won even more support after he crumbled at the microphone, but I’m not. Centuries and centuries of religious doctrine codified into law, into how society views itself and its constituents, into who is more or less equal. Women created “sin”. Women besmirched mankind’s perfection.…
Yesterday, a good friend of mine said to me almost exactly what you just said. There’s just no way this guy is a good fit for the highest court in the land.
I found his testimony and actions wildly tasteless and unbecoming of any judiciary seat, much less the highest court in the land.
This is what I find myself screaming. Even if you are a racist, rapist, trump loving, environment hating person, can we PLEASE just acknowledge that he did poorly? I found it SHOCKING, how frustrated he got at the questions, he couldn’t answer. This man is a JUDGE! How is he so bad at questioning? How is he so bad at…
What do you do when your country can’t even agree on reality?
His response to Amy Klobuchar was all I ever needed to know about him. I can’t even put it into words how disgusting it was (how disgusting he is as a human being). This is a man who when faced with pressure will fall on name calling, gaslighting, and mansplaining to talk his way out. Not even talk, just argue until…
I bet he blames all this on those damn young people who won't pull up their pants and wear their hats backwards.
...or just an accurate opinion of their colleagues.
Maybe not raped, but assaulted. I’m almost 40. In the world I grew up in, men/boys were taught to try and see what they could get away with, women/girls taught it’s our job to resist. The attempts were something you had to put up with, and should consider a compliment, regardless of how it made you feel.
Well, who would have thunk it? Shit-heel fascist organization attracts monsters.
I’m starting to think that a lot of the guys who wind up in CBP or ICE originally wanted to be in the military or police, but failed their psych exams.
We also need to talk about our puritanical views on everything and how it skews our ability to treat sex workers humanely. Many operate outside the law and get scorned by “good, moral” people.
Don’t know the context of this person’s comment around raising boys, but masculinity and expectations of boys and men is at the heart of the issue. Unless you subscribe to some sort of essentialism as to why men and boys are almost exclusively the perpetuators of these kinds of assaults and murders, a large part of…
I’m an old, so, when I read his claim that no campaign had ever spied on another, I just bellowed, ‘Richard Millhouse Nixon, you rancid piece of shit!’ and threw my damn phone
Criminal defense attorney here, and a lot LE Organizations definitely have quotas on tickets. I have asked various LEO’s on the stand about this, and most will usually answer honestly about their system.