
You think being decent is being P.C. ??????? Wow.

Not really true, strictly spreaking. He bristled.

Omg! her impressive justification, & sorry not sorry because I don’t think about what others think, are under minded by her belief that she may be that reincarnation of the Führer himself. Wow. Wtf? Even as a joke, that is some dark curd.

#%#!$#%!!!!!!! Well, I’m done with Internet for day. I can’t even. Part of me hopes this is out of desperation in order to stay relevant, but, then I wounder if that would be better? To badly quote Malcolm X. ....’I rather be called .... To my face, than have to deal with a two face’ (again very much my own words,

Oh how I miss poop that solid.

Mind. Blown. Have to steal.

I hear u. Refuse to a metallica tatoo till james and lars die

Is absolutely no one going to bring up Djs dyed hair? Did the actor go full silver?


What? I am lucky to get two washes from a bar! Lame

Wow, that is some outrageous sh!t to say. I really don’t get how people like this are not hissed/laughed out of every room they walk into. Like Trump, the other GOP members should have laughed him out of the room. I now assume they must all, all, must be scumbags.

I am dude, that said, I was sexually  assaulted by 3 classmates, in middle school. I’m 45, now, I must say some jobs can be soul crushing. I was deeply hurt by having to refuse to turn a womans phone back on for her none payment. She was begging. It makes me want to cry, right now as i write this. So, as I was trying

Winner winner chicken dinner. People are really bad at making risk assessments. And it’s worse the younger you are, for some. We would be letting people learn the hard way.

Are not most jobs, jobs people do only because they have rent? I would pay to do porn, but, i am fat, old, and ugly, no is going to pay my rent to do porn.

Actually i think murder is murder, wtf?

You might as well say, because I like Hostel, I must want to hack someone up.

I was saying, the US sees it self as advance. While ignoring that Romen invented plumbing, and Americans pooped in holes for 100 years.

Yes, im bitter my wife left me. What r u talking about? And i beens to tons of therapy. Your lost. I think.

Given the stima of being on welfare, the rush to make healthcare a luxury, and expectation to support one’s own self, why exactly wouldn’t things like this not happen??. People will not just quietly die because they don’t have conventional means to create needed wealth.

You sound fun