
Actually, too many rulings have been watering down mens rea. I read a lot of court rulings. It is all very alarming were we are headed, in that respect.

I think all ppl who want to carry, should have to cleared for ptsd, depression, suicide, and rage.

That uzi death makes me lol. That one and the DEA AGENT. lol, im an expert. ....bla bla shoots self in leg. Hehhehe

Everyone says that. I was taught to aways assume the piece is loaded. Always. But more than one gun person online gets upset when they are pointed out as having not actec in that manner. Likr looking down a barrel or what not. It is very upsetting. I my always keep the barrel point up or down. Even when storing.

I would not go that far. But, it is refreshing you are smart enough to discuss that. We still need laws. But, laws worte with one mind set VS. another mind set, might be worth trying. I would think we want to be more NOT China. But, maybe not. Considering Trump.

Is trying and success, realy mean one can take credit? Even pregnancy is not that straight forward?

Does anyone actually willfully show up work? Are we not all victims of our strengths and weaknesses?

You do realize that makes POTUS, a king of sorts. Which is not what this nation idolizes to be. Making all our work moot. The GOP  acts like the very people the Founding Fathers committed treason to get out from under. Dont know why no see this fact.

Nope. I do not buy into that Calvinists bull. Modern life is what mankind has made it. . Outside of illness, most if not all misery is not happening in a vacuum. Racism for example is a choice we can stop choosing.

Really? Seems completely possible. You really think porn makers aren’t smart enough to come with the idea of manufacturing rage so they can up views of their trash? It is called reverse psychology. Also, that one hour vid is one persons sad story, but i am sure it made some people want to see that crap.

I am 43 and male. I have to say she is very correct. Too many times over last 20+  have I looked up to a male peer or idol to only get to know them and be grossed out by finding out exactly what kind of scum they actually was. In fact over last five years ive seen every thing in jezabel proven true and worse. I now

Few things.

Making money is all this nation is about. We let sales people lie. We dont demand truth on lables. We expect people to know natural means nothing what so ever. We are all very dishonest. And its legal to a big extent. So why wouldn’t we have entitled angry shooters? They do not grow in a vacuum. We made this nation

annoyance? life is all


ok ok let’s conside all this, that still doesn’t explain thr time timing. i had convo about scoops needing to be attached to the bottom of the lid of my sports supp next day there was a meme about how it is that way for baby formula. why that meme at that time? and other things like have happened. once is fluke,

but that’s my poop on my tooth brush!

i always assumed that, thx

wouldn’t water leach upwards?

why no Snow Tha Product? she is even on a hot new USA network show Queen Of The South.