
The Trump bashing is getting old. I get it, he’s an idiot, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’d say about 68% of Americans know this. I don’t want to hear for 4 years

Perhaps all the above is a concerted effort to prevent droids from having instantaneous access to all the data in the universe. By not creating the infrastructure for easy data transmissions and by keeping mass storage facilities analog droids remain subservient.

In my opinion if you can spend the same money on more specialized vehicles, do it.

Came to say this. Hell I even like the Mike Skinner bit.

I’ve enjoyed every episode of the new show. I don’t know why you all are trying to bitch SO HARD that it’s not what you want. I bet you all are a lot of fun at parties.

The ‘real’ answer to me is pretty simple...we just don’t want to truly admit it - the technology simply isn’t there yet....or affordable enough yet...or safe enough yet. Cellphones have created this culture where charging things all the time or everyday is “OK”, but that is not het case with watch culture. Until we

I wish they’d drop their 3.5L turbo six from the F150 in the mustang. Then push the V8 up to around 500 hp (or just make the current GT350 motor the standard V8). Then you’d truly have three very different but still fun mustangs to choose from.

This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.

Uh, no, that’s a lame excuse. If a manual is the most important factor, you’d be glad to do without a few toys or pay a bit more some extra toys you didn’t want to get one. But even then, this line of thinking doesn’t quite hold water.

Give it up. I’ve got two sticks in my fleet one of which I special ordered new for my WIFE. So I’ve got manny tranny cred that can’t be questioned

Does a manual make sense in terms of modern fuel economy and emissions?

20-30 years ago, there were significant reasons to get a 5-speed manual transmission instead of a 3 or 4-speed automatic: efficiency, cost, performance and arguably lower maintenance.

Enthusiasts: We want manual transmissions
Manufacturers: Here ya go, but its only on the base spec with the lowest performance and the least desirable drive configurations. Also, none of our dealer will stock them, and you can’t have them with any of the options that approach some level of luxury or performance.

The problem is that emissions tuning makes it cost more to do a good manual, and a lot of manual cars are terrible to drive due to things like rev hang nowadays.

1st: I bet the automakers are giddy at the prospect of manual transmissions going away. With the increased emphasis on fuel economy and emissions, it must be easier to hit those targets when the engineers can manage every aspect of the shift than relying on humans shifting at the points they’ve been told to test at.

You want a manual?
Stop looking for cheap used interesting “Jalop” cars and buy them new!

Sounds like you need to turn on Timeless on FH3. It’s pretty much all I listen to when I play. There’s just something awesome about blasting across the outback while Wagner or Bach plays loudly from the surround sound.

Dude, I can’t believe people are trying to call you an alcoholic and just wanted to say I totally agree with you. This article is judgemental as hell and basically says that everyone who has more than two drinks becomes a tiresome drunk that you can look down on as you sip your glass of water and then smugly go home.

in reading the replies to your post I am reminded that most people on here and most Gawker writers were losers in high school who still resent people having fun, even though they are at the least deep into their 20s/30s. It’s pretty sad.

I have been seeing more and more articles about reducing/cutting out alcohol. Which yes if you have a problem it’s nice to read those things but at the same time I feel like people are starting to treat people who enjoy drinking (and maybe enjoy drinking to excess once a week) like some piriah.