
My problems with Epic is in HOW its handling the exclusivity deals.

.... I wish i could say i did not just have that goddamn conversation. Work at gamestop (yes i know, you all hate me) and i literally just had someone bitch to me about Wolfenstien being a SJW game....

Well, since my Store Manager recognized my post on the last article, Screw it.

Our social media is tracked. I have been told this on 3 separate occasions, and told that we can be ‘held accountable’ for what we do on our personal time.

As one of the unfortunate Gamestop employess, my first reaction is ‘love my job, hate the company. Been working for the company since 2005 and the circle of life is the biggest crock of shit ive ever dealt with. My district Manager, sorry Leader (were not supposed to use the words Manager or customer any more) has

I was the only member of the class who was not of ....darker skin color. They were several gang members in the class, kept knifes out at all times, one had a gun. on campus. and no one cared. Teacher asked me to ‘explain the difference between a black person and a N-word (nope not saying it, getting chased to my car

As a former student, i can only say Good Ridance.... i was lied to and cheated from day one. I have a different degree then what i attended and paid for. Teachers didnt teach, I spent most math classes teaching the rest of the students how to do the issues after the teacher gave us a list of problems to do and