Arai-the fly on the wall

Really should put them based on order of appearance. And another note before delving into Jedi Survivor spoilers.

On one hand yeah the Scientology stuff is pretty bad. On the other, he is very admirable for his work ethic, regardless of the Scientology stuff.

Don’t ever, ever, ever expect games with multiplayer element to not be broken at launch. 

It's customizable? Sweet! 

Why after almost 10 years since Force Awaken, they still made perpendicular crossguard design? How come no one in the design team thought of V-shape crossguard lightsaber? As that would be safer for user (less likely getting hit by crossguard tip) and can be used to properly lock opponent (something that Star Wars too

Even Wagner mercenary group leader are calling for it to end and start to criticize Putin now. And he was their most boisterous and blood thirsty attack dog out there.

I’ve always been a fan of Frogwares Sherlock. Never knew they were Ukrainian though.

For a roguelike afficionado, Hades is part of must install game.

There HAS to be room for some Hades, right?

Dydasco straight up got Emma Stone treatment.

The password is “fourwordsalluppercase”.

Because evil live out of spite.

There are 2 points in the game of the last scene where Joel was portrayed more subtly and brilliantly.

One thing I don’t understand is, in service of Ludonarrative Dissonance, I know it ties directly to part 2, but all players have the opportunity to shoot the doctor in the leg. But in every streams I’ve seen, they always go for the head.

It sounds very gatekeeping.

We're only seeing one side argument here. My bet is there have to be some financial amount they didn't discuss. 

SMH, the first game was already 20 (!!) years ago. It’s already a whole different generation for them to sell a new game on the same premise.

The collection rate after CL1000 is roughly 10 Series 3 cards a month.

Kang gets released a bit too late. Honestly, instead of worrying about its 5-cost, I was questioning, why is it 5-cost when the only turn to really need to play Kang is Final Turn?

MODOK is not as OP as the previous 2 Season cards.