Arai-the fly on the wall

If you see Invisible Woman this month and don’t have Cosmo, retreat...

I was actually surprised that an AI joke can be so clever.

At this point, even Jesus Christ would be criticized for healing the poor.

The single emote we really need:

Always use fist bump, because it’s neutral.

1 day. 

I will ask for 1 and only 1: Full Metal Alchemist with Hollywood cast.

Mark Hamill doesn’t really do much of different voices. I think his VA is quite consistent, but what he does is he brings the character to life differently.

No, no.

It’s a bit funny how they keep the embargo while most of Kotaku’s hardest hitting writers has moved on to other outlets.

Bundle Launcher in Play Store couldn’t even be found now. And I bet downloading them as external Launcher would trigger all kind of security / out of date warning from current Android.

Overall Wadjet Eye Games are really good.

IDK, it certainly looks like bad investment to me. 

Not only Pikachu, all fictional characters that speak in non translated language should be considered as potty mouth.

I have played an Ego stage where both players snapped. And later on another location revealed to be The Hub which gave a random card to me and it was Agatha.

Know when you should retreat is how you get better ranking.

I always have to make a mental note on whether to snap on T5. And never ever ever snap on T6 unless for counter snapping. You can write a whole chapter about why snap on T6 is almost always bad. 

Even among major archetype, there are further distinction within them with a couple of difference.

I mostly use either Spiderman or Debrii to block off Wong.

I set my lighting to magenta to buff my Magento deck.