Arai-the fly on the wall

I’ve seen someone played move deck effectively with just Human Torch and Iron Fist to move. By using bounce deck with Beast and Falcon.

The same way books gets adapted.

I don’t understand how the Fandom on one hand wished for more changes from the source material like seen here. And on the other wants them to stay true to the source material like the Witcher or GoT.

The only consistent deck against Leader seems to be Patriot deck. Very rarely do Patriot deck lose to Leader, especially if your buffs are already on the field. Mainly because the buffs and triggers are placed at different turns.

There are a few tells that once you see it coming, it’s better to just retreat than let the opponent Snap.

And just like that, it shot up to my must buy list.

No mention of Worldship? That location is basically Galactus.

When I see Kamar-Taj and opponent playing Wong. Now where’s the retreat button?

They have fixed TVA to double the cubes on turn 4.

The most chaotic Ego play I had was when he shows up early, both me and my opponent follow the unspoken rule: Ego=Snap.

I’m not mad at those playing Arnim Zola. It’s a curve ball but can be expected if you can recognize the telltale sign.

Saw a Onslaught-Wong-Gambit showdown that destroys Wolverine for 5 minutes only for Wolverine to win the game by landing on the correct lane. The other lane was already locked and won by Professor X.

Am I the only one confused by Angela keeps getting nerfed?

At low CL just upgrade any cards you can because you have plenty of credits at the start. Though preferably you want to cycle your deck so that you can upgrade more lower rarity CARDS for cheaper.

I currently just entered pool 3 and got some great starter card and experimenting on 2 different deck.

Always keep grey border in your collection not upgraded. The only time to upgrade a card is either, you have 155 boosters to go from grey until splitting up a grey foil. Or there’s a weekly mission to upgrade 12 cards, which is the perfect time to go through 12 grey borders cheaply at 300 credits.

Playing moving card is breaking my brain. Between balancing the cost, who to play first, where to place them, should I Heimdal or not. I got Cloak and Dagger though.

Ironheart is 3-cost but also only On Reveal and 0 Power. Unless you plan to prop her up with Odin or Mr Negative, she might as well be Carnage fodder once she triggers.

Once you enter Pool 3 and gets Psylocke+Sera or Wave+Sera, you can start building 2-3 cost zoo deck instead of relying on 1 cost zoo.

Falcon only return my own card and doesn’t affect the opponent’s.