Arai-the fly on the wall

Talking about Codename Jade, I was actually hoping for Between Good and Evil 2.

Here’s my tribute from the Spider-Man Shop Contest, back when it was still a thing in this site.

Here’s my tribute from Spider-Man Shop contest, back when it was still a thing.

Is there a /S there?

You play them once or twice, living in a hoarders paradise. 

In the list of AC protagonist, I’ll put Ezio, Bayek and Altaïr in top three. Edward Kenway though? I’d rather rank him next to the likes of Jacob Frye at the bottom.

Somehow Odyssey keeps freezing on me mid game, sometime within 15 minutes, sometime 2 hours in. I have no idea what caused it, as the temp is low and there doesn’t seem to be any hike in wattage.

Good game, worst protagonist.

Put in some samples of your calculation.

I don’t have console, and I wish Microsoft buys Activision only to kill COD franchise.

It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s rival business that reported him to the police to be taken out.

Pay to not play.

No, he got banned AFTER a month.

Waiting for his character to deform into a blob. 

They demand impossible profit from the western studios, while at the same time just doing repeated ports of FF6 over and over and over again and point to that and said, “See...? Eastern studios can turn in a huge profit compared to what we spent on them. Why can’t you do the same thing?”

Now playing

Ken and Roberta Williams’ Sierra were not only limited to those adventure games. Half Life wouldn’t even exists without them. Almost the entirety of western game publisher giants now owe their existence to them.

People should treat games like they do movies.

Only place in the world where you need police inside school. And only there to abuse their authority, but nowhere to be found in school shooting situation, ever. 

I wish they would treat it a bit differently with xeno romance. For example Avatar uses their ponytail to share their feelings. Asari had the right idea, but Garrus going back to kisses as an expression seems a bit strange. Why not do a headbump like a cat?

How to get Congress on your ass 101.