Arai-the fly on the wall

Remember, play to earn already exist, since the early days of MMO.

Stop adapting manga with Japanese protagonist if you’re only going to whitewash it.

Pretty a Death Note’sWhat If?”

Daddy Kotick need his golden umbrella.

At least he can write off the purchase from his income tax as business spending.

When will these game developers learn that open world size is no longer a feature, they’re a liability to their games?

I think it’s pretty effed up that Chris Pratt kept getting judged for what everyone around him did but not by what he did.

Now playing

Luke, you guys or Gizmodo really should write about PS5 slim mod by mad genius DIY Perks in Youtube.

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

How is THIS not a slideshow?

I know it’s two books but they said they’re planning 3 animated movies. Dedicating all 3 to adapt 2 books seems reasonable somehow.

They better adapt Kyoshi trilogy, the novel of her story has been highly praised.

As long as he didn’t “took it out” I’d say it’s probably within “research” purpose.

They tried to tie Assassin’s Cred movie into modern day Origins.

Black Flag is a good game, but Edward is the worst Assassin in the entire series.

Play the side mission and maybe you will understand.

Clayface, Mad Hatter, Firefly, Pyg was way more obscure than Stephanie and Cassandra. That didn't stop them to be featured in Arkham Knight. 

They already set it in a different universe from Arkham-verse. And in this one, Batman is missing and James Gordon is dead.

Sounds amazing.

You prefer all EA IP to only release on Mac? Because that is definitely what Apple would do.