Arai-the fly on the wall

As "evil" as EA was, Activision should have won that award since forever. 

You live in a world where the word “fuck” gets censored, and terrorist propaganda gets broadcasted in national TV.

Gotham Knights seemed to take all the wrong lessons from Crystal Dynamic's Marvel Avenger. 

Which is why I support the Indoctrination Theory to be canonized.

The new Femshep has a chin sharp enough to stab anyone she headbutt.

Resurrection is such a cheap plot device though. 1 resurrection is the most any story can do. Anything more than 1 would cheapen death into cheese fest. It would mean nothing just like Dragon Ball Z. 

Totally not a fan of having to play as Shepard again.

I have always on the opinion of Indoctrination Theory, while it has been confirmed as not part of writers intention, can help make the endings more salvageable.

You can certainly buy and sell digital goods in Steam marketplace and Valve takes a cut out of each transaction. It has already been done without hassle.

Well, there’s always kilordle :

Deponia is really good and a worthy successor to Monkey Island, except for Rufus who is downright unbearable most of the time.

It will be much more believable if unlike common RPG where you have to battle in a group all the time, they show us Luffy getting so far ahead of the others duking it out alone, Zorro battling an unknown enemy in the opposite corner of the map, Sanji halfway from the front line and the group, while the others are

Unlike most Shonen, One Piece has been pretty restrained in powering up their characters though. Even then there’s almost always a good backstory to explain the power up unlike Dragon Ball which only ever involved either training montage or almost dying.

The story is so much better than the art style though.

Seriously, people who have alopecia on their ass should count their blessing.


I did not follow up on Nintendo closely for years so I gotta ask. Did Nintendo were always this litigious when it was during Satoru Iwata days as CEO?

Or maybe, according to Robb: The sky is blue because they’re living inside a blue eyed giant Macumber.

Brandon Sanderson already said early on that he’s not interested in continuing GRRM works.

A feel good story involving Bobby Kotick?