Arai-the fly on the wall

Why do 99 if you can do 1000?

Octordle and Sedecordle are just uninspired clones of Dordle.

Epic certainly took their time to build a proper marketplace. Cart has just been introduce late last year. And proper cart discount early this year. 

Ubisoft launcher is the worst.

20 guesses and I got 30 words correct. They don't even try to have 1000 unique words. 

Welp, there goes my morning.

The most suspicious part is not just the kerning between letters. But how that kerning coincide with the largest element, the hexagon.

This logo interpretation has been as earth shattering as Sixth Sense spoiler.

It’s new titles, and still one month within release. They usually already come with 10% launch discount. 

Not really confusing though.

It’s definitely a copy.

Comparing between the two, Quordle has way better informational keyboard than Octordle.

Coming up: Hexadecidle. 

My go to word to start is always SATIN or STAIN, then PROUD. These two words easily give enough data to get a guess by the 4th words. If there are too few to use, then the 3rd word is BELCH. 

I think Dan is quite neutral in his assessment. The part where you said as opinion doesn’t feel like one to me. It feels more like an analysis. It might seem like he jumped a few steps to the conclusion, but steps can be drawn by people who follow the news.

He linked the clip in the article though. 

Is the YouTube clip being monetized? If so Nintendo will chase him to the end of the world. 

That is probably enough fire hazard to burn down a forest or two.

This is worthy of a documentary Oscar or two.