
@Whitson Gordon: My post was about the Malware Domains blocklist. NoScript and Flashblock are just supplements (or something- can't figure out the right word).

Did the Malware Domains blocklist really not make the cut?

@Rhitick - Unabbroachable: At least Doom is So Bad It's Good... at least until the FPS (First Person Stupidity) part.

@ceti: I don't think there's anything that would let the Doctor change his body color- the companions are the best thing to go by.

@maniaq: Amusingly, Doctor Who is going for a mid-season break in series 6. Would be interesting to see how it works, as without a break, it's like 6 months wait from a series finale and the Christmas Special.

@Southrncomfortjm: If they would be capable of invading our planet/solar system, why not?

@Southrncomfortjm: From what I've heard, they travel at about the speed of light, so any alien civilization within 100 light-years should be able to intercept them.

@Jesse_Astle: Though I think the doctor said that she doesn't exist- basically Marilyn is 11's Bess.

@Lawdog: "I don't think the fact that we're in the post-Star Wars era is an issue, but matching Buffy is. Doctor Who was never a space drama anyway, it was about horror: dark shadows and creepy monsters lurking just around the corner."

@pointglobe: Well, here's your homework: go watch The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances, Blink, Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead, The Time of Angels, Flesh and Stone. At night. With the lights turned off.

@frankenstoen: Or as someone else pointed out, Karzan's life was in flux, and he wasn't the same person by the end.

@transitnap: There goes my hope for a Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes teamup!

@collex: The way I see an alien invasion happening is with the roles of the humans and aliens inverted.

@casewindou: The Doctor Who Episode "Bad Wolf" did something quite similar. Though in the time period the episode happened in, humans had already traveled to other planets (and carried out their bastardy on other alien beings), and it was only the ones living near or in Earth that were affected.

@3Djesus: I would like to know too.

@mmseng: The problem with that analogy is that you are not allowed to make up your own address.

@DavyBones24: At least not sssssSSSSSSSsssssssssss...