I must have read it wrong. She seemed clueless and needy to me.
I must have read it wrong. She seemed clueless and needy to me.
Too bad it looks just as hilariously terrible as that whole Twilight travesty.
Americans tend to miss this bit as well:
Ewwww, In-n-out? I rather eat lima beans.
Stripping elements of Christianity from their original context is one of the most time-honored practices of Christianity itself.
Well, maybe it'll die out for now, but just wait a few days and it'll get resurrected by some other site.
It;s really nothing to get hung up about.
Ugh, now we get to read all the comments form people getting cross about this. :(
Aw. Sorry. This is all I could find.
I know there's a lot of talk about the character Piper exemplifying white privilege on the show, but I'm glad that the real Piper is actively using her privilege to improve conditions for women currently incarcerated.
You guys.
Did you listen to the whole interview? She was pointing out what SELLS. And she was just stating the truth as she perceives it in Hollywood - that the white men in charge are interested in the "WASP shiksa." My perception of that part of the interview was that she had to play the game. What I found more interesting…
I saw it as she is the one you see the series through. Not necessarily relatable but sort of the alleyway for the audience to get into the story through. If I were in prison I imagine I'd be more Piper than Taystee so in that way I relate more to Piper but I don't really enjoy her as much as others in the show.
If that was her intention I think she fails. The whole thing comes across as snobby. Like she truly wants to say "Well, you were mean to me but I have a degree and live in New York but you have a shitty house in a shitty town so nyah nyah!" but without irony or any sort of deep symbolic meaning to it all.
If she cuts off contact how will this woman ever know that she is a pathetic loser, while our author here is hella ballzawesome with the best life ever?
Somehow we missed this but the video for "Everybody" — a track featuring Doug E. Fresh that will appear on Michelle…
Yeah, I hate to say it but from what she wrote - it sounds like she may have very well been Stacey to another kid out there. It's the lesson we learned from Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. Growing up, nearly everyone makes someone else feel like shit whether intentionally or unintentionally.
Errr. Have you seen Young Adult? You're acting like Charlize Theron. It's a little embarrassing.
To some degree, I think all small town transplants (myself included) think that all of the people they left behind wish that they could have left the town as well, and covet the lives of their high school classmates that…
St. Cloud? Minnesota? She vacations in St. Cloud, Minnesota? There's nothing worse you can do to her.
So, you were a little asshole who got out assholed by another kid. How about you just cut off contact with her and move on with your life?