I owned a duo select and had the opposite opinion... It’s only with buying if you get the duoselect... Otherwise it drives like a sedan instead of a sports sedan.
I owned a duo select and had the opposite opinion... It’s only with buying if you get the duoselect... Otherwise it drives like a sedan instead of a sports sedan.
What doesn’t open... The trunk? It’s pretty good size for a car that size and does ope...
He doesn’t have to pay off the car... Just get it in positive equity. He should be in positive equity in 4 years or so. Your never in positive equity on a lease.
This is like the most legitimate, substantive, and analytical review of anything I’ve ever read on jalopnik...
I have a problem.
This article blew my mind, and not in a good way...
Haggling allows dealers to sell the same car for different prices. Since people pay less, some pay more. So the benefit of really savvy buyers can pay less. The cost is that many buyers pay more. For savvy buyers, they are able to get a better value on the backs of those who don’t. It also allows dealers some…